F@ck you Boehner

and sorry if you feel i am "twisting" your words by posting them verbatim along with the definitions of what those words mean, nitro.
If you talk to legal Mexicans, they consider illegals worse than pond scum. Damn racists!

not my experience at all working as a busboy, or hotel housekeeping, or apartment maintenance and turnover. but feel free to spout bullshit all you want, rabbit.
do they know that you view them as a problem for which you do not "see a solution anytime soon"?


Is that your new word "problem"? You tell me whats your solution? And then we could discuss it. And then if we figure it out we could share it with Texas.

Is that your new word "problem"? You tell me whats your solution? And then we could discuss it. And then if we figure it out we could share it with Texas.

you looking for a "solution" implies that hispanics are a problem by very definition of the word "solution".

unless, of course, you were looking to dissolve hispanics in some type of mixture. which is also pretty racist.

i enjoy the fact that there are so many hispanics around. they are great people, way better than shitty racist folks like you.
you looking for a "solution" implies that hispanics are a problem by very definition of the word "solution".

unless, of course, you were looking to dissolve hispanics in some type of mixture. which is also pretty racist.

i enjoy the fact that there are so many hispanics around. they are great people, way better than shitty racist folks like you.


That last election pretty much fucked you up dude. I really don't give a fuck about what you think a problem or a solution is. Where I live part time now I am a minority. And life is good.
Life is Great!
The Republicans now have taken over congress and have no excuse for the direction the USA takes. They cant hide behind filibusters and anything radical and extreme they want to try to fuck over Average Americans is going to come back and fuck them deeply, painfully up their collective asses.

They want to bitch and threaten over Executive Orders? They are going to have to explain why Reagan And Bushes EOs where kosher and Obama's are not.
In every respect the Republicans have sped up their downfall.

I expect anyday now the Republicans will try to take credit for the economic recovery and the road to energy independance
Life is Great!
The Republicans now have taken over congress and have no excuse for the direction the USA takes. They cant hide behind filibusters and anything radical and extreme they want to try to fuck over Average Americans is going to come back and fuck them deeply, painfully up their collective asses.

They want to bitch and threaten over Executive Orders? They are going to have to explain why Reagan And Bushes EOs where kosher and Obama's are not.
In every respect the Republicans have sped up their downfall.

I expect anyday now the Republicans will try to take credit for the economic recovery and the road to energy independance

They're going to keep blaming Obama for everything, doesn't matter what it is
there will be LOTS of abortion legislation, and not much else.

Oh, I can think of a few things on the republican agenda..

-USA/Mexico border wall
-banning flights out of Africa for fear of contracting ebola
-intelligent design in science classroom legislation
-increased spending in the war on Christmas
-banning abortion clinics and planned parenthood
-banning birth control
-banning sharia law (ROFL)
-banning medicinal cannabis
-banning burkas
-increasing fossil fuel subsidies
-banning Tesla

I can't wait!
i bet the republican congress thwarts the will of the people in washington DC and denies them their legal recreational cannabis.

I heard a story about the IRS limiting the same tax status to medicinal shops in Washington and Colorado already, effectively thwarting the will of the people in those states as well
Life is Great!
The Republicans now have taken over congress and have no excuse for the direction the USA takes. They cant hide behind filibusters and anything radical and extreme they want to try to fuck over Average Americans is going to come back and fuck them deeply, painfully up their collective asses.

They want to bitch and threaten over Executive Orders? They are going to have to explain why Reagan And Bushes EOs where kosher and Obama's are not.
In every respect the Republicans have sped up their downfall.

I expect anyday now the Republicans will try to take credit for the economic recovery and the road to energy independance
Read Reagan and Bush's orders and what they pertain to, then look at what obama is talking about doing and has done.

It's not quantity, it's quality.