F**king Spider Mites Are Killers!


Active Member
my first grow went really smooth untill pre-harvest(WTF) veg phase was easy as hell i only really had to water them and give em some miracle grow now and then. i was about 1/4 through flowering when i had to move them because the neighbors could start to see them.... anyways i had no other place to move them so i moved them to the basement (HUGE MISTAKE!!!)

So now im thinkin everythings kosher just gotta wait a little longer... the next couple weeks i start seein this stuff in the soil that looks like moss but its white, i didnt think it was a big deal because it was really small and only in a few places so i just mixed the soil around on the top untill it was gone. i continued to see this increasing each day untill the plants started to look like they were losing mass on the buds. i was really concerned so i went to look for some organic pest killer ... what i found was a product called Organicide and right on the front it says KILLS SPIDER MITES. and yes it is organic ...contains a blend of sesame and fish oils. but this ended up being a total flop because the next day after i used it, THEY MULTIPLIED. so i have to find the source of the problem... which seems obvious... the basement. I moved them upstairs so they can try and regain some strength after being in the cold basement for about 2 weeks.

3 weeks later out of the 9 healthy plants i had im left with 2 because the others were infested and were well past dead in under 3 days. the 2 im left with were the least infested and looked like it could be controlled but now they are dying in the same way that the other ones did.. its leaves from the bottom to the top are shriveling up like they got the life sucked out of them. every morning when i water them the soil is about 90% covered in what im assuming are webs from the mites (the white moss stuff)

and i need some help quick because from the looks of it the 2 that i have left , are to be dead in about 5 or less days and i really dont want to give up on them being this close to harvest.... ive been keeping these girls alive since late august.


Well-Known Member
I Use Organocide Also And Do Not Have A Problem...it Stinks But Works Great...i Would Use New Medium Id Possible And Watch Your Humidity Real Close.


Sector 5 Moderator
OMG, man my heart goes out to ya; that sucks bigtime. If you change the soil, you might want to wash them off with a garden hose before planting them again. I know they will go through a shock but drastic measures are called for here. Maybe someone will post that knows a lot more than me.


Well-Known Member
whats worked for me in the past with spider mites is a mixture of water and dish soap. 10% dish soap 90% water. You need to hand wash all the leaves and any where else thats infested.. Also change the medium that they are currently in. After washing your plants, very gently I might add, flush the shit out of them then transplant. Its worked for me in the past though my infestation was not as bad as yours sounds.. Good luck..


Active Member
lady bugs can be bought, or predator mites ordered online. Predator mites are cool because they just feast on all the mites and then die. Lady bugs like aphids but will eat spider mites too. If the source of the mites is the basement which is weird cause I think they usually live in soil or near plants, then i'd move them somewhere else obviously. I personally don't like to spray shit i'm goin to be smoking (even if its organic), but all of these measures i'm talking about probably would be more helpful if yah had done them a few weeks ago so sometimes you might just have to spray and deal with the taste. Changing soil is pretty extreme, and i dunno if it would help or hurt your plant more, plus its pretty hard to disentangle roots from dirt. Just some info on mites, they eat the chlorophyll on the tops of the leaves (you can see white spots) sucking life from your plant and lay their eggs on the bottom side (black specs) and in the soil too maybe. My thoughts...good luck.


Well-Known Member
yeah definitely man, i feel for you. on my first grow i didn't get these little bastards but i have read a lot of threads about these fukkin demons. i appreciate everybody posting how to deal with them because i know with my luck i am bound to have to deal with them someday.


Well-Known Member
Time to bring out the heavy artillery...
These No Pest strips emit a toxic vapor that is best not breathed in by humans....but if you can put your plants into a relatively small enclosure or room(the smaller the space the more concentrated the toxic vapors are), you can kill all of the little bastards in a couple of days!
Hot Shot :: No-Pest Strip - 5580

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
my first grow went really smooth untill pre-harvest(WTF) veg phase was easy as hell i only really had to water them and give em some miracle grow now and then. i was about 1/4 through flowering when i had to move them because the neighbors could start to see them.... anyways i had no other place to move them so i moved them to the basement (HUGE MISTAKE!!!)

So now im thinkin everythings kosher just gotta wait a little longer... the next couple weeks i start seein this stuff in the soil that looks like moss but its white, i didnt think it was a big deal because it was really small and only in a few places so i just mixed the soil around on the top untill it was gone. i continued to see this increasing each day untill the plants started to look like they were losing mass on the buds. i was really concerned so i went to look for some organic pest killer ... what i found was a product called Organicide and right on the front it says KILLS SPIDER MITES. and yes it is organic ...contains a blend of sesame and fish oils. but this ended up being a total flop because the next day after i used it, THEY MULTIPLIED. so i have to find the source of the problem... which seems obvious... the basement. I moved them upstairs so they can try and regain some strength after being in the cold basement for about 2 weeks.

3 weeks later out of the 9 healthy plants i had im left with 2 because the others were infested and were well past dead in under 3 days. the 2 im left with were the least infested and looked like it could be controlled but now they are dying in the same way that the other ones did.. its leaves from the bottom to the top are shriveling up like they got the life sucked out of them. every morning when i water them the soil is about 90% covered in what im assuming are webs from the mites (the white moss stuff)

and i need some help quick because from the looks of it the 2 that i have left , are to be dead in about 5 or less days and i really dont want to give up on them being this close to harvest.... ive been keeping these girls alive since late august.
I think you should give organocide another chance. I also had a really bad problem with spider mites. Within days of using it consistently I can see a huge difference and the webs are almost non existent and the plants continue to grow normally. You really have to spray this shit out of it though.
My infestation keeps coming back though because I'll get lazy and stop spraying them for a few weeks. Even after you get rid of the infestation you should continue to use it as a preventative measure.


Well-Known Member
I .
My infestation keeps coming back though because I'll get lazy and stop spraying them for a few weeks. Even after you get rid of the infestation you should continue to use it as a preventative measure.

This is why a No Pest Strip is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction....do not pussy-foot around with spider mites....these vermin are very aggressive and need to be eliminated, not controlled......IMO!

The strips will not hurt your plants in any way....just do not hang out in your grow room staring at your plants for any longer than necessary !!!



Well-Known Member
This is why a No Pest Strip is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction....do not pussy-foot around with spider mites....these vermin are very aggressive and need to be eliminated, not controlled......IMO!

The strips will not hurt your plants in any way....just do not hang out in your grow room staring at your plants for any longer than necessary !!!

If they come back again, I'll use them. But I just have reservations about putting toxic shit in my grow room. Especially if you say its so toxic that you can't spend prolonged periods of time in the room.
I think that within a month the organocide will have gotten rid of the entire problem.

I also hear that a bomb works well too... and its non toxic.