Thanks bro! Yes I already smoked a J last night with my neighbor in there. I never grew anything this big so I stare at that plant a lot. As far as the clone flowering, today is day 28 of flowering and I see literally 1 pistil. I dont know what the fuck to do!!!!!! The clone keeps growing though, it was a little clone when it went in and now its a mature plant but isnt flowering. The diet is a bloom diet with no veg nutes. I am getting really stumped and might just pull that huge as plant if this clone that flower soon. Have you ever had a problem like this Whodat? I might make a thread in the plant problem section.OMG that this is giant!!!sooooo jelly over here
I made a hoop house out of pvc once, the next morning it was in a million pieces lol Spring wind came fukin destroyed it. I didnt have wood supports lol but honestly that storm was out of control... You should be fine. Looking great all around FAM, really nice thanks for sharing. Whats the report on the dud clone inside? Still nothing? Fuk even if it dosnt flower Id keep it around as a novelty plant! Fukin monster!!!
I can see you chilling in the shade by that plant, jamming some tunes, toking up, enjoying a beverage if you drink.... At least thats exactly what I would be doing at one point every single day![]()
hope you know how to erase the browser history on the kindle...i am using my daughter kindle to post on here, my cpu is infected with some viruses. does anyone know f i could take pics with is kindle n post them on here using a kindle? im so bad with technologies. lol.
i really want to see her tied down a little if at all possible. i know she is going to be a bit thick in the limbs but damn she would look fuckin amazing once she filled back in.
Sorry boys its not happening. I am NOT spreading her out, her branches are thick as fuck and would be too much work. She gets topped weekly and Sup Crop'd daily. My only concern with that plant now is will it FLOWER!!!! When and if she does bud and gets more mature, I will tie down the buds for support only if needed.
I got my Mamadude Cougar in front of the big one spread out and tied down.
Once and if she ever flowers, the shade comes off, I am only using the shade during the peak summer months. Sept and Oct there wont be no cover.FINE! Well, if she flowers I don't think you'll have a choice because I think she'll be pushing through the roof lol.
lol, pretty much. Just chopped the Skunky Monkey last week. Ready to be jarred. Stuff looks great! Mostly just tops and not a great yielder but I really like the aroma and flavor.![]()