F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
FM yo blond concentrate is it shatter also
i know the brown hard abslolute shatter from you tube - i have tried
and most others come out colored in the brown family

yours looks like kief is that whut you start with to get the blond color
i have looked around and found nothing on the process, like the youtube on the absalute process
can you point me in the dirrection i would like to understand the process



Well-Known Member
Hey fam I finally made some hash :-) ice bubble.

That is some sexy fucking hash pr0n!!!!

Funny you posted this....I just picked up an Ice-O-lator!!! Please tell me what size bag did you use for that and is it Full Melt? Also how did you make it, do you have a step by step process???? Please post it up here, I want to make some tomorrow. I will post the pics of the machine I am using from a friend, I hope its the one you used to make this.



Well-Known Member
FM yo blond concentrate is it shatter also
i know the brown hard abslolute shatter from you tube - i have tried
and most others come out colored in the brown family

yours looks like kief is that whut you start with to get the blond color
i have looked around and found nothing on the process, like the youtube on the absalute process
can you point me in the dirrection i would like to understand the process

Where I purge with Butane, I whip the shit out of it and evap the butane over heat. When you whip it, it becomes creamy and blonde in color. If you purge using butane and dont whip it, it will come out like shatter. I got you covered bro, once I get paid, I am buying a printer and I will be sending you another package with step by step procedures of how to make my crumble.



Well-Known Member
I went to TWS's house today and he is letting me borrow his machine to make some hash! TWS is one cool mofo, real good peeps!!!

I already have bubble bags but I need Whodat's recipe...




Well-Known Member
LOL, no worries bro. I was just shitting you.

I saw the word "naked" and got excited.

Yeah, don't torture us like that FM! Pictures or it didn't happen. ;D
Ok so I went ahead and ordered the bags.
I hope they dont really take till the 14th to get here as my Dog is wayyyy past over dry already.
Good investment if you ask me! Although I won my Bubblebags on another grow website! Some of these other grow websites have real good contests and prizes! I have won a pH meter, TDS meter, Bubblebags, Cloner and beans from other sites.



Well-Known Member
Hey fam that was done by hand but I got the machine today! Will post details tonight as I'm in the middle of it right now. You can YouTube frenchy cannoli it's the vid by frenchy.
I"ll post the bag size soon,,, and that machine you got is the exact one he uses.


Well-Known Member
LOL, no worries bro. I was just shitting you.

I saw the word "naked" and got excited.

Yeah, don't torture us like that FM! Pictures or it didn't happen. ;D
Hey fam that was done by hand but I got the machine today! Will post details tonight as I'm in the middle of it right now. You can YouTube frenchy cannoli it's the vid by frenchy.
I"ll post the bag size soon,,, and that machine you got is the exact one he uses.
Awesome, I will be waiting and will check out the vid. I believe I saw that Frenchy video already! Thanks bro and give me the details when your done. I am preparing my shit today for tomorrow run!



Well-Known Member
I am going to look at the video and wait patiently for more info .
I have 1 gall bags, so I might try a small batch while I wait on UPS next Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
He switches out the hose and removes the grate inside the machine leading to the hose. He also agitates his trim without a work bag. Just put in some ice/trim/ice and cover with water (fills the machine about half way). Soak for 20 min, run for 10 to 15 min.

Stack bags in bucket. Pour water into bags - 160, 120, 90, 70, 45. Pull bags out one at a time and place over second bucket and rinse with ice water till clean. Pull the bag out, squeeze the water out, put a plate under the bag to stretch it flat and scrape off the gold :) Repeat for each bag.

If the 120 and 90 only have a little bit of goodness you can remove those bags and just run 160 (catches the crap), 70 (the good stuff), 45 (kibbles and bits).

Dry the hash by spreading it out thin in a dish covered with parchment or wax paper. Break it up until it is a fine sand. I use the Matt Rize microplane method. Keep it cool and dry (refrigerator) and cover it with parchment paper. If you dry it cold then it will stay blonde. If you let it get warm and dry in the open it will turn dark brown.

Microplane (keep it frozen and freeze the hash to grate it)



Well-Known Member
Ok so heres another question.
Can I take the 220u keif and just run it through different bags with water to clean it up instead of the iso I was talking about earlier?

A question for the washing machine aspect and the several washes.
I have no washer with the bottom drain hose, how do I alter my method to account for this?


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres another question.
Can I take the 220u keif and just run it through different bags with water to clean it up instead of the iso I was talking about earlier?

A question for the washing machine aspect and the several washes.
I have no washer with the bottom drain hose, how do I alter my method to account for this?
No drain means you would have to dump it through the catch bags or maybe siphon it....not sure to be honest.
Real quick, 160,73, and 45. Three bags thats it, one worker two keepers.
I got 160, 73 but not 45, I got a 25 bag. Doesnt strain have a lot to due with bags you use? Sativa and Indica trichs are different sizes...maybe I am wrong???

@Mo why did it turn black? Oxidation or playing with it?


Well-Known Member
I guess the dry ice over crushed the green matter since the 160 bag put out a slight green tint
I think Chaka knows the best bag to use for dry ice! I personally dont do dry ice no more, whenever I make it, I have the worse allergy attack and I suffer bad from making it! lol


Well-Known Member
I think Chaka knows the best bag to use for dry ice! I personally dont do dry ice no more, whenever I make it, I have the worse allergy attack and I suffer bad from making it! lol
Yeah I had a bad day yesterday.
It was all over my face, up my nose etc..and man was I dizzy.


Well-Known Member
There seems to be a difference between a 150 and a 160 with dry ice. I can still get green if I shake it enough with a 150 though. I usually would do little 20 second spots then move although I'd usually just throw it all together in the end anyway.


Well-Known Member
There seems to be a difference between a 150 and a 160 with dry ice. I can still get green if I shake it enough with a 150 though. I usually would do little 20 second spots then move although I'd usually just throw it all together in the end anyway.
Yeah I must have shaken it too much and I dont have a 150.
It still smells good, but doesnt look good.
I think my eyes were not working well, or the MH light made me think it was cleaner

Does the maturity of the trichomes change weather the hash is light or medium brown?