F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
hell yea! are you gonna cook em and if so how? or do you guys have to release fish there or by choice.
i never ate bass growing up but when i went to school out in AZ i had some friends who would eat it. i never tried it though. doesn't have much meat on it. you guys eat them FM?

next time your in the carolina's you gotta take me fishing. Never been but have been an avid couch wrangler since my teens, love watching it on tv, lol.
this time next year we'll plan something. maybe get FM to come out...lol. it;'s hard right now cause i'm only in the carolinas twice this year for tournaments. i get in, fish 1-2 practice days and then the tourney. we'll plan something for sure next year. bring some of your friends along and we'll have a blast.


Well-Known Member
The Fairy came today!! Thanx a lot!!

FM thats so cool that he caught a fish, I bet he was almost as excited as you were for him!


Well-Known Member
@Scoob, I am like T but I dont eat Catfish no more. If you ever catch some Rainbow Trout you must EAT IT! Thats what I was fishing for today with some Trout Power Bait, but we caught Bass with it only. Guy next to us caught about 4 Trout and 2 Rainbow Trout. I actually asked him if he would give me one and he said NO. LOL I dont blame him.

@fumble, did everything work out with the deal??? Keepin my fingers crossed for you! Yes they do grow up very fast, sometimes its scary how fast!!

I eat any and all fish :) . i prefer mine fried or grilled.
I am with ya T but being in the Navy killed the whole Catfish thing for me. Thats all they ever made on the ships and it got old real quick so I dont eat it no more.
so i found something kinda interesting. :clap:
i now need 2 1000 hps, 1 bedroom, a nice cloner and a nice t5. everything else i have. :)
You need to get something running soon!!! Someone like you can do that easily cause your bills are so CHEAP!!! Lucky fucker
Seed Fairy came today!! Thanx a lot!!

FM thats so cool that he caught a fish, I bet he was almost as excited as you were for him!
I was very proud more than anything. Seeing my son pull that fish out made all my problems disappear and it felt fucking great! Something I will cherish for the rest of my life!!!

Ok, well tonight is going to be a feeding night. Since I have everything in 3 gallon Dirt Pots means I am burning through water. I dont water like others, I pretty much flush feed every watering! Crazy but the shit works, called Making It Rain.

I will post pics after I am done feeding them.




Well-Known Member
Went very well today, will pm you later

..........wouldn't let me post, said I had to wait 30 seconds. So I took a hit. Still wasn't enough time, so I took another one ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah right cheap bills. lmao. my power was 400 bucks a few months ago before i shut everything down. but now with the sis gone and her computer and all the tv not running constantly should save some cash. 1000 gonna cost me another 100 bucks to run cuz of the power tier im in.


Well-Known Member
now if i could only get bc99 to post some of my pics and ill be good. always lagging. its like he smokes weed or something. lol. ;)


Well-Known Member
i never ate bass growing up but when i went to school out in AZ i had some friends who would eat it. i never tried it though. doesn't have much meat on it. you guys eat them FM?

this time next year we'll plan something. maybe get FM to come out...lol. it;'s hard right now cause i'm only in the carolinas twice this year for tournaments. i get in, fish 1-2 practice days and then the tourney. we'll plan something for sure next year. bring some of your friends along and we'll have a blast.
My lil bro can make some mean fish tacos with his bass.