

Well-Known Member
Ok, so me and my friend are conducting our first outdoor grow, we plan on making a grow journal to help keep up with all of our information and also so we can take everyones advice and hopefully get a few "good jobs" down the road.

(This is a shared account, we will both be logging on to record information and such. So dont get confused)

So right now we have 9 plants, all from some dank bad seed. The pot had a real uppy high so im hoping its a Sativa strain, or favors sativa traits.

And also from my friends Dad we will also be growing some Early Pearl and myabe a Northern Lights cross strain if we get lucky.

Nothing all that cool to look at right now but our plants were put in the ground on April 15 and the pics are from Arpil 24. So i guess that makes them 14 days old eh? Well that and plus the 5 days I took to germ them.

Thanks for looking, we have more pics and info coming soon. Please leave any input that you might have.




Well-Known Member
Nahhh the soil is an organic mix i made myself a few months ago from all kinds of dead decaying matter that would have good nutrients. Or atleast i hope they would have good nutrients. The soil doesnt really look too good in the pics does it? haha, I think its mostly because of a lack of a good camera and the sun is beaming down on it pretty good too.


Well-Known Member
the soil looks great.
looks like it could be a lil more aerated.
pearlite works well.
kinda late now.
but next time.

try and till the soil a lil if you are reallly worried about aeration.
with caution of course.


Well-Known Member
The soil is alot looser than it looks. I softened it up really good, and there are alot of small rock under the first few inches. idk if it will help but they are there haha

Cloud 9

Active Member
It just pretty grey in the picture, but if it sprouted, it'll grow! keep on doin what your doin'.


Well-Known Member
I cant make it out of the house today, but my partner is goin out there sometime today to check everything out and take some pics so i should post them later today sometime. But we just had a whole week of rain though, so idk how the plants are goin to react to all the water, even though they are in a high spot.


Well-Known Member
So i am currently pissed as hell due to something eating on our plants. Me and my friend pissed like hell all around the whole area so i hope it helps.

but as you can see from the pics there looks to be field mice or something eating them. Im sure they will make it but it pisses me off they are eating my effin pot plants.



Well-Known Member
Dang dude, that sucks. You can try to make barriers of some sort so small critters cant get to em.

or get mouse traps haha


Well-Known Member
so your telling me, if i go out there with a roll of toilet paper and take a shit every time i go out there it will keep away animals???

if so will it cover my whole area, its all in like an area of 30 sq ft or so


Well-Known Member
try sticking a thirtybag into a mouse trap and leave it there. those stoner nice woud probly fall for it :D

ok no to the seriousness. uses really fine chicken wire in which the holes look small enough so that mice dont get through(if u think its mice). atm, i have problems with slugs gettin high of my shit, so i lined em all up, then stuck one of em in front of the others, and cut that one in haf with a siccors to teach the cunts a lesson... nahhh :P i put salt around the plants, just a sprinkle. keeps the slugs out :P (salt kills slugs by dehydration :D:D)
I've heard it will work on small mammals and deer(because of the carnivorous deterrant effect, of eating meat, scares them)... but if its mice you may need to take another route as ^^ suggested