F.Y.I. You Can Have GREATER MASTERY Of Yourself In Your DReam State.


New Member
F.Y.I. You Can Have GREATER MASTERY Of Yourself In Your DReam State.
You Can Grow / Mature To Better Control Yourself And Possess Greater If Not Absolute Self-CONSCIOUNESS In Your Dream State With The RIGHT Acquiring Of (DIVINE) KNOWLEDGEs And DISCIPLINEs.
Note: MASTERY Of SELF In The Dream Realm May Have Something To Do With Your Angelic Capacities.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Dude, ive been lucid dreaming for the past 8 years... and it takes discipline, concentration and practice to become fully conscious in your dream state without waking yourself up. There is nothing divine about lucid dreams unless you make them that way with your mind. It takes a full commitment to a dream journal, and outside exercises every day to help increase your ability to become lucid, asking yourself if you are in a dream 20 times a day to increase the amount of times you ask yourself that question while you are in your dream. Also trying to move objects with your mind during the day, increasing the chances you will try it in your dreams, which will result in the object moving, which will result in you becoming aware you are in a dream, resulting in lucidity... or becoming fully conscious you are in a dream, in which then you will be able to begin practicing concentration techniques to learn how to do things like... my personal favorite, FLYING! teleporting, moving through solid walls, creating energy balls, creating beautiful women in your mind that you can have your way with, creating something out of nothing, traveling to different planets... the list is only limited by our imagination, and our ability to keep our resolve as to not get too excited and wake ourselves up (which fucking SUCKS)

You don't gain any sort of divine or spiritual knowledge from lucid dreaming, but if you try, you can find things out about yourself that you never knew... and you can use those things you find to improve your understanding of yourself, why you do the things you do, why you feel the way you feel, why you think the way you think and so on. All other knowledge attempted to be acquired through dreaming, is in fact, nothing but a dream, nothing but your imagination telling you what you want to hear.

Oh, i just had this sweet dream where i met mace windu, and he gave me his lightsaber, and i was fuckin up some storm troopers like there was no tomorrow! A lot of times ill have dreams where the opportunity arises for me to become lucid, my mind is aware i am in a dream... but the dream is sooooo badass, that i trick myself into thinking im still in a dream so i can play out the dream while being conscious enough to remember it in vivid detail when i wake up. It was really hard to learn how to do that.

The thing ive been working on for years and still havent been able to figure out, but ive heard of people doing it, which gave me the idea... but, 360 vision! Where id be able to see in all directions at once! Proving to be very, very, very difficult.... i always end up with the vision you would imagine an iguana would have...


Well-Known Member
I'm reminded of the episode of American Dad where Steve cues his lucidity with a red ball. Halley and Klaus fuck with Steve by making him think he's in a dream by using a real red ball and this is the result...


jessy koons

New Member
F.Y.I. You Can Have GREATER MASTERY Of Yourself In Your DReam State.
You Can Grow / Mature To Better Control Yourself And Possess Greater If Not Absolute Self-CONSCIOUNESS In Your Dream State With The RIGHT Acquiring Of (DIVINE) KNOWLEDGEs And DISCIPLINEs.
Note: MASTERY Of SELF In The Dream Realm May Have Something To Do With Your Angelic Capacities.
Dude,I've always felt that I have some Angelic Capacities. Do you offer internet classes?


Active Member
Dude, ive been lucid dreaming for the past 8 years... and it takes discipline, concentration and practice...
Amen to that. I've tried to lucid dream several times for several years and rarely have the time and discipline to do it proper. Achieved it twice to my recollection. Once I levitated a car by waving my hand and hurled it into a building, the first time all I did was make a lightbulb flicker. Both times I woke quickly after becoming lucid. I used to hang out at a forum called "Dream Views" that is dedicated to the practice, and everyone says there the key to staying lucid is the second you realize if things begin to fade or get fuzzy to spin in a circle in your dream. Never had the time to remember to do that though.


Well-Known Member
Man,I use to be able to get lucid in dreams,not for 3 years now,It seems like ever since i started working out on a regular basis ,I stopped being able go lucid.In that state you could practice anything you want to get better at,music,martial arts anything possible to imagine.It takes patience undoubtedly.


Well-Known Member
Dude, ive been lucid dreaming for the past 8 years... and it takes discipline, concentration and practice to become fully conscious in your dream state without waking yourself up. There is nothing divine about lucid dreams unless you make them that way with your mind. It takes a full commitment to a dream journal, and outside exercises every day to help increase your ability to become lucid, asking yourself if you are in a dream 20 times a day to increase the amount of times you ask yourself that question while you are in your dream. Also trying to move objects with your mind during the day, increasing the chances you will try it in your dreams, which will result in the object moving, which will result in you becoming aware you are in a dream, resulting in lucidity... or becoming fully conscious you are in a dream, in which then you will be able to begin practicing concentration techniques to learn how to do things like... my personal favorite, FLYING! teleporting, moving through solid walls, creating energy balls, creating beautiful women in your mind that you can have your way with, creating something out of nothing, traveling to different planets... the list is only limited by our imagination, and our ability to keep our resolve as to not get too excited and wake ourselves up (which fucking SUCKS)

You don't gain any sort of divine or spiritual knowledge from lucid dreaming, but if you try, you can find things out about yourself that you never knew... and you can use those things you find to improve your understanding of yourself, why you do the things you do, why you feel the way you feel, why you think the way you think and so on. All other knowledge attempted to be acquired through dreaming, is in fact, nothing but a dream, nothing but your imagination telling you what you want to hear.

Oh, i just had this sweet dream where i met mace windu, and he gave me his lightsaber, and i was fuckin up some storm troopers like there was no tomorrow! A lot of times ill have dreams where the opportunity arises for me to become lucid, my mind is aware i am in a dream... but the dream is sooooo badass, that i trick myself into thinking im still in a dream so i can play out the dream while being conscious enough to remember it in vivid detail when i wake up. It was really hard to learn how to do that.

The thing ive been working on for years and still havent been able to figure out, but ive heard of people doing it, which gave me the idea... but, 360 vision! Where id be able to see in all directions at once! Proving to be very, very, very difficult.... i always end up with the vision you would imagine an iguana would have...
Haha, I think it is so funny how everything is just a semantic game we play with each other. I am tempted to point out that many of the things that you describe are beyond physical compherension and therefore are innately spiritual... because, to me, spiritual is just a word that means "aspects of the self that cannot be observed through the physical senses". Lucid dreaming is an extremely spiritual experience to me, because it reaffirms the nature of my self as being an entity that is capable of existing in spaces outside of the physical realm. At least through perception, however limited my understanding of it's orientation may be.

But anyway, moving on, I wanted to say thanks for the tips on how to get more lucid. I've had periods of my life over the years where I attained complete lucidity on a regular basis... but I always shyed away when it got too intense... lately I have been desiring to get there again... lots of dream recall, and I have been writing them down... but I really like the suggestion of asking myself if I am dreaming every so often throughout my waking day in order to get used to asking the question so that it comes up more often and therefore is more likely to be asked during a dream. Thanks for that man!

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You will never forget the fist time you attain complete lucidity, when you scream aloud in your dream for everything to hear.. "THIS IS JUST A DREAM! I AM IN A DREAM AND I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT!!!!" usually i fly, or have sex... or both at the same time, my two favorites.

Your welcome for the tips, but also, its hard to have conversations with people when they don't specify that they are changing the definition of a word that is being used. Isn't everything we observe through our physical senses... without our brains, how could we delve into our imaginations like we do when we dream?

Ive heard some cool theories about dreams, that they are part of evolutions process to help us prepare for something in the dream word, so if the occurrence happens in our reality we will have some sort of unconscious experience with whatever situation is presented to us, that way we can make decisions faster like run, or jump, or attack in order to survive.


Well-Known Member
Well you don't have to have a conversation with me. I believe that definitions are subjective to individual teaching and beliefs. If you stick to the "technical definition" of everything that is your perogative, but it is still a subjective decision to do so. The whole point I was making was that semantic defining tends to destroy any chance of unified agreements. And while one could say that a dream is perceived through the physical senses, I urge you to consider which ears you are listening with, which eyes you are seeing with, etc. when you are in a dream. Because wouldn't we just see the inside of our eyelids if it was our physical eyes? You can't just explain away the entirety of the imagination, can you? Well, I guess you can if you want to. I prefer to see the wonder in such gifts, rather than to disassemble them.

Honestly, I learned a long while ago to stay out of philosophy forums simply because I don't believe that putting labels on things can every lead to understanding. The brain is incapable of resolution, only contemplation. I just felt like dipping in and stirring the pot a little. Carry on.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Well you don't have to have a conversation with me. I believe that definitions are subjective to individual teaching and beliefs. If you stick to the "technical definition" of everything that is your perogative, but it is still a subjective decision to do so. The whole point I was making was that semantic defining tends to destroy any chance of unified agreements. And while one could say that a dream is perceived through the physical senses, I urge you to consider which ears you are listening with, which eyes you are seeing with, etc. when you are in a dream. Because wouldn't we just see the inside of our eyelids if it was our physical eyes? You can't just explain away the entirety of the imagination, can you? Well, I guess you can if you want to. I prefer to see the wonder in such gifts, rather than to disassemble them.
Honestly, I learned a long while ago to stay out of philosophy forums simply because I don't believe that putting labels on things can every lead to understanding. The brain is incapable of resolution, only contemplation. I just felt like dipping in and stirring the pot a little. Carry on.

How are you supposed to understand someone when they are giving words their own definition? Thats like attempting to tell someone a story in another language... If you want others to understand the points that you are trying to get accross, you should, at the least, include that you are using a word with a different meaning, and explain the meaning in a way that everyone can understand.

I appreciate that you did let me know what your personal definition of "spirituality" is, but this should have been done prior to my comment in order to get rid of any confusions or misunderstandings. I wanna know EXACTLY what you are trying to say, that way there's no room for misinterpretation bro. Much love.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Lucis dreaming is indeed spiritual, your pineal gland (Third Eye) is what makes your dream by pumping out DMT aka "The Spirit Molecule" and it makes you have amazing, profound, and insightful experiences that can change you for the better... I have only had one lucid dream ever, the night before I kept thinking "Im gunna lucid dream" and so I did, and I learned a whole lot from that thirty second long dream, of course I realized I was dreaming and got too excited and woke up.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Well you don't have to have a conversation with me. I believe that definitions are subjective to individual teaching and beliefs. If you stick to the "technical definition" of everything that is your perogative, but it is still a subjective decision to do so. The whole point I was making was that semantic defining tends to destroy any chance of unified agreements. And while one could say that a dream is perceived through the physical senses, I urge you to consider which ears you are listening with, which eyes you are seeing with, etc. when you are in a dream. Because wouldn't we just see the inside of our eyelids if it was our physical eyes? You can't just explain away the entirety of the imagination, can you? Well, I guess you can if you want to. I prefer to see the wonder in such gifts, rather than to disassemble them.

Honestly, I learned a long while ago to stay out of philosophy forums simply because I don't believe that putting labels on things can every lead to understanding. The brain is incapable of resolution, only contemplation. I just felt like dipping in and stirring the pot a little. Carry on.
Very well said sir, a unified agreement will never happen in this forum because one side is always labelling, dissecting and calculating everything and by doing so they make it so that their point of view is the most realistic one. Even something such as lucid dreaming cant open their eyes and make them realize that theres much more to life than what long dead scientists say.


Active Member
Lucis dreaming is indeed spiritual, your pineal gland (Third Eye) is what makes your dream by pumping out DMT aka "The Spirit Molecule" and it makes you have amazing, profound, and insightful experiences that can change you for the better... I have only had one lucid dream ever, the night before I kept thinking "Im gunna lucid dream" and so I did, and I learned a whole lot from that thirty second long dream, of course I realized I was dreaming and got too excited and woke up.
If this is the case, which I don't think it's ever been actually proven the Pineal gland releases DMT though it's often stated as fact, then how do you know you're not just "high" and hallucinating rather than having a spiritual experience? Where does one draw the line between something that brings about a spiritual experience and something that just messes with your body and "tricks" you into feeling/seeing/hearing/smelling/tasting something that's not real? I think the word spiritual has many meanings to many people which makes this kind of discussion difficult and it almost bleeds back into the old "science vs. religion" debate (even though yes I recognize spirituality does not have to be religious).


Well-Known Member
I only ever had one good event and it was when I was like 10... lol

The others have been nightmares I guess you could say... I remember one that I knew I was dreaming but, could not do anything to help myself.. only thing I can remember was something my Grandma told me when I was a little kid... when your having a nightmare get on the ground tuck your head in your knees and shake your head. It worked for me..... well sorta, I just fell into another nightmare (not really worse but, still not "fun") "thanks grandma" lol

I would love to try and train my brain a little better to get something like the first lucid dream I had all those years ago. I know It's possible just re-unlocking that part of my mind is the tricky part. I wonder what set it off so easy back then?


Active Member
You will never forget the fist time you attain complete lucidity, when you scream aloud in your dream for everything to hear.. "THIS IS JUST A DREAM! I AM IN A DREAM AND I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT!!!!" usually i fly, or have sex... or both at the same time, my two favorites.

Your welcome for the tips, but also, its hard to have conversations with people when they don't specify that they are changing the definition of a word that is being used. Isn't everything we observe through our physical senses... without our brains, how could we delve into our imaginations like we do when we dream?

Ive heard some cool theories about dreams, that they are part of evolutions process to help us prepare for something in the dream word, so if the occurrence happens in our reality we will have some sort of unconscious experience with whatever situation is presented to us, that way we can make decisions faster like run, or jump, or attack in order to survive.
That's really interesting!! As soon as I realize I'm in a dream I instantly wake up. I can never really remember a dream unless I go through something beyond shocking.

I remember I was in a dark room that was surrounded by creepy white statues. They hopped towards me silently when I wasn't looking at them. Two eyes of Horus were looking right at me above them, extremely disturbing. There were people in the room a little later and I kept telling them to leave because the statues were following me and they were demonic, they just laughed and ignored me, then this female statue winked at me and smiled behind them. When I woke up and realized it was a dream I was so relieved. Imagine not waking up and living that forever like in Silent Hill! CREEPY STUFF!