F17T8 enough for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
I have a full spectrum F17t8 laying around and thought about using it for my seeds/seedlings in my humidity dome. Would that be enough to get them started? I'm only germinating 4 at a time. Don't feel like cranking up the HID for seeds.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how soon most people start the light however I let my babies have 2 days of total darkness to kinda get life flowing and then I throw them right under 600 watts of led. out of 70 - 56 germed. I had a great success rate with all my seeds exept for one strain which I found out the seeds were two years old and I was very dissatisfied. Jiffy pellets work like a charm for me some other people have had less success though.


Well-Known Member
I soaked mine for 24hrs in water then transferred to a damp paper towel for 24hrs then to jiffy cubes. All 4 popped. 1 went nuts and grew a half inch and the other 3 are just sticking out.