Face Slam

the hashshasher

Active Member
alright she was strugglin but he was havin no trouble wit her so he didnt need to jerk her at all and he shouldnt get pumped up about that shit it was nuttin im not even a trained officer and if i had to deal with her i wouldnt even pay attention to wat she was sayin or doin and if i was that other cop i woulda fucked him up if i saw him do that to a women that weighs like half as much as him

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
She was warned multiple times. He didn't mean to put her face into the wall. Yes he intended to put her body against the wall, but not the face. Looked to me like the bitch tripped, if she didn't trip she wouldn't have face planted.

But look how far he his when she hit the wall. Usually when you force someone to a wall you approach them quickly and basically use your body to close the space between the person and the wall..

The dude saw her tug, and he was pumped up, and he just threw her into the wall with her having no means to protect her face/teeth/jaw where ever she hit the concrete corner.

I love how everyones 50/50 on this, we'd be a good jury :peace: