Faces of the master race.

i get it, i just don't think antifa is being very effective. they don't seem to know what they want to be, or how to be...anything in particular.
they want to fight facism, but don't want to organize, or train, or do anything but show up unprepared for the shit that's about to happen.
they don't know each other, so anyone can show up and pay lip service, then turn on the crowd around them when shit starts...
no, i guess you're right, i don't get it. if your goal is to stop the events, then crash them and start fights. standing behind a barricade isn't going to stop anything, neither is yelling.
being disruptive isn't an effective strategy. either quit showing up at all, or stop congregating in one place before these events, filter into their crowd, wear their uniform....reverse their tactics.....
It's been plenty effective. Each and every time, the police have sent the fascists home.

The key is numbers. We have to outnumber the fascists 3 or more to 1. Not martial prowess. They need to train and arm themselves because they are so heavily outnumbered. Even then, they need police protection.
I'm sorry I'm skeptical
Take a look around man, I go to penera bread and all the men talk with femmed voices as if there balls never dropped. They all have bitch tits because they don’t have the testosterone which leads to more estrogen. This is not normal .
Take a look around man, I go to penera bread and all the men talk with femmed voices as if there balls never dropped. They all have bitch tits because they don’t have the testosterone which leads to more estrogen. This is not normal .
I see young men talking to women like they are in a porno ...no respect at all and the majority have Trump/Pence stickers and are sporting a confederate flag...This too is "not normal"
Testosterone doesn't supersede manners
Their parents were a huge failure, I am concerned about yours too, Home schooled my bet?
It's been plenty effective. Each and every time, the police have sent the fascists home.

The key is numbers. We have to outnumber the fascists 3 or more to 1. Not martial prowess. They need to train and arm themselves because they are so heavily outnumbered. Even then, they need police protection.
they keep coming back, though...make it hurt more and they'll quit coming.
maybe this is my issue. i don't like having enemies to worry about. if i have to deal with someone about an issue, i make sure the issue is dealt with, one way or the other. if it comes to a physical altercation, do enough damage to let them know they don't want to fuck with you again...ever.....so yeah, i guess if it's working for them, more power to them.......
they keep coming back, though...make it hurt more and they'll quit coming.
maybe this is my issue. i don't like having enemies to worry about. if i have to deal with someone about an issue, i make sure the issue is dealt with, one way or the other. if it comes to a physical altercation, do enough damage to let them know they don't want to fuck with you again...ever.....so yeah, i guess if it's working for them, more power to them.......
What do you expect? Think about it. They come from across the country and even then only a few hundred make it. There will always be a few cockroaches willing to make the trip. Portland has become a target for them.

When they show up, we prevent them from having their say or projecting white power on our streets and after a few hours, police clears them out. That's all we want and all we need to do. The kind of melee you suggest means people getting killed. We don't want that. We don't need that.
isn't it fucked up that is 35% of our population?

fox news, hannity, rush, etc should be tried for treason along with cheeto jesus
it's always been at least 1/3 of the population. there have always been idiots, this is kust the first generation of them with facebook, youtube, and other social media so that people can see them....used to be you'd have the ones in your town, and you'd know them and avoid them, now they're everywhere, and don't mind identifying themselves as idiots.....
it's always been at least 1/3 of the population. there have always been idiots, this is kust the first generation of them with facebook, youtube, and other social media so that people can see them....used to be you'd have the ones in your town, and you'd know them and avoid them, now they're everywhere, and don't mind identifying themselves as idiots.....

then a lot of them had me fooled as just conservative. i believe they are more than that now. they are racists and bigots in addition to being dumbfucks.
when losing argument switch to meme
@Rob Roy 101
