The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
The last thing that anchors you to the physical realm is the last thing you LET anchor yourself.Fear, is the last things that anchorZ you to this physical realm.
Let it go.
The last thing that anchors you to the physical realm is the last thing you LET anchor yourself.Fear, is the last things that anchorZ you to this physical realm.
Let it go.
because i believe it is a god, but it's us. we are the gods. and god (not us god) knows everything that happens because "it" makes it that way. and it's even the bible. i was defidently all long time is was an agnostic or even atheist some times. but after that so called "trip on dxm and paxil" i knew a god was real because he is living through me. me knowing that all humans are not in control is something weird i guess. like i didn't choose to be it or anything. i actually don't want to be the one that knows it, but "it" chose me. and that 2012 will be the unveiling. of my entire family. including me......BongToKin, I share your befief somewhat.. I feel a Power out there.. It surrounds us and penetrates us.. It binds the Galaxy togetherBut I get hung up when you say control. A conscious deity? Destiny? Entropy?
Tell me BTA.. I find your new found wisdom facinating!!
Fuck ... sorry Bong ... you still on your Ipad ?no but i wish i could..
Love the vid, Stimpy.This is just my own opinion.... You're super fucking annoying. Most of your threads are all about your "enlightenment". I know kids like you. They have their first psychedelic experience and then all of a sudden they have all the answers. Everybody is below them because they don't "know". You're one of those new-age hippies who are more concerned with looking down on the "lesser people" and spurting out your religious pseudo-spiritual garbage while you listen to eminem.
And get the fuck outta here with that 2012 shit. While you're desperately trying to contact jesus through your mushroom trips, I'll be using science to answer the great questions.
You have all these choices (up down etc ...) In a closed system of rules and regulations which widely depend on yourPuffer, the free will question as I see it is.....We all have the choice of our desicions, right, left, up, down, right ,wrong, etc..., but I believe in a higher power, namely God. How is it that he knows where are desicions will lead us? I believe he knows all the choices and the turnouts of all our choices.
What is your definition of 'good path' .... 'bad path' ..... what is your destination as per this path you are on ?So we are left with free will to make anyone of the choices, and he hopes we make the choices to lead to a good path, but he will not force us to take a certain path. I am not sure if God trys to help us are not.
I feel the awesome power around me at all times ... I act on it as often as I can.You hear it all the time that God moved somebody to do something, I think at times that has even happened to me, but if that is true, then where is free will.
I probably entered this wrong so make sure to look in between the quotes.Perhaps that God you speak of ..... all along .... is YOU.
And You simply are able to tap into that state (OF FUNCTION)
Once in a SUPER MOON !
You hit that one square on, I have at times in my journey tapped into it, and a peace so amazing was found. I wish I could keep it, but it seems as if this world doesn't want you to keep it. I am currently floating upon a sea with no wind to fill the sails.
You have all these choices (up down etc ...) In a closed system of rules and regulations which widely depend on your
cultural upbringing and environment. Hence, you believe in 'something' outside of your body .... in control.
I do not share your sentiments.
No, I don't believe that somebody has control, that would defeat the purpose of free will.
What is your definition of 'good path' .... 'bad path' ..... what is your destination as per this path you are on ?
I am certainly not on the same path as you ..... I float in all directions.
I don't really know, I wish I did and maybe it could be my fear, an emotion I struggle with.
I feel the awesome power around me at all times ... I act on it as often as I can.
This power moves in the winds ... water and light ... permeating everything.
Look into the eyes of a child .... the power is there.
I agree and long to get back to this, it always seems to come after times of great struggle and depression. Why is it that when times are good I can't find it. Sometimes I feel just completely lost. My life is great, financially, family, and still I yearn for something that I do not know of....