Factors of delayed flowering..?


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,

I was just wondering what the factors are that could delay the flowering process of your plant...

I have been in my 12/12 cycle for 12 days and haven't noticed a single change except the plants being a tad bushier.

I believe i saw the very first pistols in the top growth of one of the plants... but they were tiny and looked like little worms or a strand of cotton so im really not sure.

I vegged for 30 days at 18/6 im using 1 250 Watt dual spectrum CFL and a 125 watt red spectrum cfl...

I don't believe i have light leaks so im ruling that out.

Answers appreciated :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The room is pitch black.. Yeah im going to go with them not being mature enough... But they have started there alternating nodes. hmm Time is the key i guess :)

Cheers for the response guys :leaf: