Failed Cloning Attemp


I had been trying to clones my plant 4 times.
All 4 times failed except 4 plants. I had been growing for a while but always buy clones from local growers.
I had been try many median like Root Riot, 1" Cube with Clonexs gel. ALL failed. i even purchase Clonex solution.
Here's my setup for cloning.

Lights: 1 T5 with 4 bulb set to 18 hrs ON and 6 hrs OFF.
Growing in Root Riot or 1" cube with dome.
Temperuature: 80
Mist 1 or 2 per day.
On heat mat
Strains: Blue dream, Sour D, Sweet dream, Jack herer.

I just can't figure out whats goes wrong..? Maybe i need to grow in the moon?
Please advise me. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Ensure you soak your rockwool cubes in pH'd water for at least an hour, then after they are done soaking, rinse them off with pH'd water before you gel the clone and insert it.

I find not pH'ing the cubes properly (per the directions in fact) is the primary cause of failed rooting.

Give them 24 hours of light. I use root riot cubes also. Make sure they are not completely soaking wet just damp. I also use roots excelerator in the ph'd water. The first few days leave the doom cracked open a bit and day by day open up further. After 10 days I take the doom off and just mist. Keep trying you'll get it. Really my first attempt was miserable also but I found out I was basically drowning them in water.


Thanks guys...I will not give up, i will try and try until i 100% sure what causing the clones to die.
I use Root Riot Cube, do i have soak them with PH water...?
And what about water to mist them? does it have to be PH water as well?
What about the lighting?


Well-Known Member
No you dont have to soak peat or compost based cubes. Water them with your clonex solution and squeeze about 80 percent of the water out. You want it dry enough so that no water comes out when you squeeze it, but just enough to keep it moist. You want to somewhat deprive the cutting of moisture so they throw out roots to search for water. Too much water and you get an anaerobic environment and your stem will rot. This might be what is happening to you.
As long as you mist the dome and not the cubes themselves you will have greater success.


Well-Known Member
less light. Roots dont need light. Youre not trying to grow plants, youre trying to grow roots. I keep my cuttings off to the side where they are several feet away from my fixture. They get indirect flourescent light only, and only 18hrs, what my vegging plants get.

Lose the heat mat. I cant imagine how hot the root zone is if its 80 with a heat mat and a a light fixture on top of it.

I would lose the dome as well. And the misting. Creating a wet, hot, humid, stagnant environment is not good.


make a bubble cloner out of a 3 gallon bucket. Fill it with water, turn on the air stone, place cuts in collars and come back in a week.


Well-Known Member
All wrong Bro, your fuckin with em to death. I'm going to copy and save this so I don't have to retype, lot's of people make it really complicated, I overdid it in the beginning too. 24 hrs light until day 5, no misting the cutting itself. If your feeding it through the leaves it has no reason or initiative to root. Every day remove the dome for more time, the cutting's will sag then respray the dome and recover. By day 5 you should no longer need a dome. Day 4 is when cell regeneration occur's so I shift to 18/6 lighting and root's start in the dark cycle by day 7 I have spaghetti.I dont ph shit, I use rapid rooter's a soaking solution like thrive alive B-1 red from Technafloura. I only use Rootech gel. Clonex will go bad in a few months.Everyone slices they're cutting's different. Had some friend's come rob a plant one day and I started making multiple cut's like they did. Scrape, make very small incisions upward along the stalk like Feather's on an arrow, Dip it and stick it...

Here is the thread Sub made that show's you alot of this way of taking cutting's.


Well-Known Member
I grow exodus, psychosis and livers cheese which are clone onlys so I have to get cloning right to survive ht 364 has given very good advice, heres what I do....for exodus cheese (original luton cheese) when the rooted cutting is 2 weeks old I will take cuts from the top down and the bottom up, tiny cuts, about 15 per plant, snip dip in rooting gel, pop in jiffy pellet soaked and squeezed in distilled water, mine are too small and delicate to score so I don't bother, no heat mat ever......pop in prop and cover with dome and put in veg room corner make sure the dome mists and leave undisturbed for 3 days check and mist until they root 2 weeks later