Failed grow thread.

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Well-Known Member
and here i thought you had some secret humidity checker.... hahahahaha

nothing good from the tude yet... i have plenty of time to wait for greatness!!


Well-Known Member
help me out bro... I can't find a link or site, when i google i get a RIU thread of people talking about it, but no links...


Active Member
the second set of leafs are true leafs right? well that seem vary fast bro!!! like you say, them are rock stars!

and btw do not mess with the seed its so delicate that even your softest touch could tare its flesh. its best to only give it a tap if it falls off that's helping but any tugging will just be damaging. + it is getting a lot of hormones from the stuff in the seed shell.


Active Member
do not forget to give them even light from here on out lol do not want them to look long like that one we were looking at that one time Lol (not going to name any names) Lol


Well-Known Member

  • [h=2]Hey dudes...
    • I have discovered a way to Germinate Seeds with 100 % Success Rate. I Use:​

    - A small plastic bag / Sandwich bag.... or other ... and Kitchen Towel.... I dampen the Kitchen Towel place the seeds inside and place it all inside the open bag then I leave it on top of the fridge or in the cupboard or generally Anywhere....

    What I do different to Most People is:
    Instead of planting the seed when I see the White Root Tip emerging from the seed - I leave it alone....
    and I leave it.... and I leave it... and in fact I don't touch it at all until I see LEAVES...
    This may seem rather Strange! But I wait until the plant has basically shed its seed completely....
    Then I Plant it!
    I have never lost a seed! Ever!
    I discovered this Method by accident - I forgot to check my Germing Seeds in their Kitchen Towel for so long - they had turned into seedlings and their roots were busy trying to bury their way down into the Kitchen Towel!

    What I think happens when you plant - as you see the first signs of white root poking out - is that the root is very delicate - messing with it - covering it in dirt - disturbing it in any way can damage the root AKA the plant and also cause PLANT SHOCK!!!!!!! And it never surfaces from the pot. Its just died in there.
    When you leave it alone in the Kitchen Towel (assuring of course IT IS ALWAYS DAMP AND NEVER DRYS OUT) and it becomes a seedling - it is then strong enough to be manhandled.... and therefore I have 100% SUCCESS RATE!!!!!!!!!!
    ...... Happy Wierd Seeding!

    PS: It doesn't matter if the leaves go a funny colour - a day in their new pot and in the light the Leaves always return to Normal....​



Active Member
yeah i see this work a lot when i make bean sprouts for salads like every single one germs. thats why when i germ seeds i use a grodan cube so they never leave that cube ever that way no transplant issues but here and there in a grodan cube they wont pop its like 80% but yeah when i do bean sprouts its like every one and its that same method just Keep that towel wet!

on enother note Lol here is a pic of a broccoli that got snuffed out buy 2 big ass zucchini this is why plants need even and intense light in seedling stage. cause later it looks nobwano i am not proud of these but shit happens in a learning curve

I just thought you all may get a kick out of how they look Lol they are so Long and hardly any leaf.



Active Member
Lol awesome. yeah do not give up on them. keep that towel wet. Some seeds can take up to like 30 days to germ. not super sure for herb but i am sure that they will. unless there is somthing seriously wrong with the seed itself.

this one pepper seed i had took 23 days Lol ..all though i wasn't doing any scarification or stratification or advanced germanation techniques.

let me ask. what day did you start these to germ?
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