Fake Av

They used to put strychnine in it. Made your stomach hurt like hell, shitty trip. Back in 1970 if acid cost a buck it was almost surely great. If it cost 5 bucks, just watch out. Back then
people weren't trying to get rich, and I guess it was really easy to make. The ergotamine is almost impossible to come up with without having Feds looking into it
Best Wishes

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I recently had a conversation with a religious friend about LSD.
He is a Christian by faith and has not played with potions nor powders.
He asked me to describe the experience in terms he could understand.

Knowing his comprehension of the Holy Book... I told him ...

LSD makes the world look like it's been kissed by God's breath ... lingering ... encompassing .... engulfing breath ...
clean and crisp and full of color .... the sky and clouds as they breath .... fresh ... patterns, pure creation in motion.
On that first day of time.

That is the best analogy I could come up with.
Also, I am not a believer ... but I have read the book many times.

That is how real acid feels to me.
I tried to convey this ... as I spoke of the effects ...
I have taken the liberty of renaming this clip below
to Conscious Revelation
