Fake ID's, sucure, and discreet.


Well-Known Member
Can you even do that stuff online? Just find someone locally bro. Obviously, this wasn't the place to ask lol.


New Member
I could see some instances where a fake id could be potentially valuable. Opening a PO box in a false name to receive packages you don't want delivered to your home...

OR, the more likely scenario...None of his friends are old enough to buys cigs for him. :mrgreen:

There are lots of websites selling them, just google it.


Well-Known Member
In addition to HWC's comment, you can also find FakeIDs around college towns. If you know someone who is going to college locally (even Community) ask them if they know someone. You can also, from time to time, find postings in craigslist. Usually they say for 'entertainment value' or 'educational use' and typically don't last long. Also, a ton of risk in involved.

Years and years ago I got my Fake ID at University of Florida, turns out a professor (who has loooong since been fired) was creating them using the schools ID system. Since they had the transparent hologram overlays, they looked like legit florida IDs. This was back when we were on the old-style laminated IDs, now they use a completely different system but I imagine you'd be able to find someone whose good at it.

So at any rate, look around college if you can. Lot less risk than buying online.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Anybody have any advice. Sites, people. I want a good id, not some laminated piece of shit. I want to be able to design and put my own name of choice.
And if you have any negative input, keep it to your self. Not of any use to me and i wont respond. So suck it.
In all honesty your best bet is to find someone who looks like you and to pay for them to get a new drivers license (I think it was like $40-50). Thats what I did and it always worked for me whenever I went out.
Now now, everyone calm down and be nice. He was not stereotyping. Someone who breaks the law by smoking and/or growing marijuana is more likely to partake in other illegal activities as well. It's a statistic. Anyways, it is very difficult to make fake i.d's. You can't just print it out and laminate it. You need special ink and things. Look at your license. It has holographic images throughout it. When you present the fake i.d, some people scan it to make sure it's not fake. If you're just trying to get in a club, usually they will just take the i.d and kick you out if they find out. If you try to buy alcohol or tobacco as a minor, it's a different story and you'll probably end up at the police station. Hope I helped you out a little bit.


Well-Known Member
ha ha you guys are funny but newayz dude google it and if it dont show up then you know its pretty much impossible, i kinda feel weird that we even have these young kids on this site
oh so you were born knowing everything about weed...
chill out the kids have to start somewhere. its best they learn from real stoners instead of all the crack heads and meth freaks out in the world.

but as far as finding a valid fake id on the net... waste of time.
if you can find the site so will the cops and theyll shut er down everytime.

whoever mentioned colleges had the right idea