Fake Weed


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what that fake weed stuff is? Like the stuff advertised on RIU. I don't want to buy any or anything. I was just wondering what plant looks like that.
U mean the "legal bud" shit?
Its some kinda herb thats exactly what it says...legal. Theres other herbs u can smoke that get u "high" besides marijuana that are legal... i dont know wtf that shit is though.
Yeah, there are still some pretty cool legal drugs still around. I heard that was like opium letticue or something?!?
From what I've heard it is a mystery herb.. they wont tell you what.. Shredded up, DIED, then like.. stuck together to form a bud.

They never once state what the mystery substance is or say cannabis anywhere.. simply 'Legal bud' I wouldn't touch the shit with a 60 foot poll. My bet is tat is is not healthy for you, nor will it have any of the medical uses that cannabis does. It'll just get you buzzed..
Im preety sure this stuff is

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Dutch Green Bud smokers return to purchase this product 9 times out of 10 for a reason. According to MANY returning customers, when it comes to herbal smokes, this product is The Total Bomb! Super taste and potent smell with a smooth burning, very satisfying smoke that is kind to the soul! Our customers simply can't stop raving about this amazing 100% legal bud. Don't be fooled by cheap legal bud imitations this is another exclusive product of www.legalbuds.com! ingredients include: poppy flowers, avena sativa, cannabae buds, chesteya bud, hybrid strains of wild dagga buds, flowers, Leonurus Sibiricus extract[/FONT]
Just go with Spice Gold, it works, I've done it... I'd continue to do it if I didn't have real ganja. You can get it off the net easily, google it.
salvia lol you can get liek 75x fuck you up!!! lol

Yeah, it fucks YOU up but if anyone else sees you tripping on salvia hard they're probably gonna think you've got down syndrome... lmao

Go on youtube and look up salvia trips if you don't believe me. They ALL look like they have down syndrome while tripping. :roll:
Yeah, it fucks YOU up but if anyone else sees you tripping on salvia hard they're probably gonna think you've got down syndrome... lmao

Go on youtube and look up salvia trips if you don't believe me. They ALL look like they have down syndrome while tripping. :roll:

Yeah men Ive done 60X and I was like drooling and I couldn't walk around very good, and I started to yell hello at nothing. It was really funny.
lol you can get differnt grades of that shit liek 5x and all lol 75x is liek the best it will fuck you up relly bad if you never smoked salvia you need to start at liek 5 and work your way up .:P
ya lol i did soem 75x mane i was flyin well it relly was not flyin it was lieka story was playin in my head lasted liek 30mins
No not I personally, I had the chance to smoke some with a friend who is on probation. He smokes it, I smoke my homegrown... I'm just stating that it works quite well in my experience with it.
tllin ya bro start low dont fucking go for liek 50x or non of that shit go to liek 5x i got fucked up on x75 was crazy............:confused::roll:...didi not know wat to do freakin out lol eyes thing klike a story in my head.ya :peace:&:hump:love going to bed now lol.
id get salvia (personally)... but the legal bud suff is not bad.. id say give it a whirl.. it gets some of my friends pretty fucked up