Fallponics RDWC reviews

@fragileassassin will open his own shop, but I haven't seen something that offers the level of convenience he does.
Its funny that you said this today and I havent really been on here in months. I was just discussing this again with the wife again today.
Its still a goal, but I think its a little further off than I hoped as we are selling this house and moving again sometime hopefully this fall.
Ive been looking at wholesale pricing and what items id start with, making jigs to offer pre-drilled bucket options ect. So I definitely still want to do this and have a solid idea of how, but its still a ways off.
Its funny that you said this today and I havent really been on here in months. I was just discussing this again with the wife again today.
Its still a goal, but I think its a little further off than I hoped as we are selling this house and moving again sometime hopefully this fall.
Ive been looking at wholesale pricing and what items id start with, making jigs to offer pre-drilled bucket options ect. So I definitely still want to do this and have a solid idea of how, but its still a ways off.
When I was trying to get ez store buckets I was thinking the same thing, had to buy a pallet of buckets
@fragileassassin definitely makes sense, it's not something that can just be jumped into without a lot of interest to begin with to offset all the time and energy needed to do something like that. I think what makes or kills these kind of things is how many people are interested and how much of a cut you need to take to make it profitable for the effort you put in.
Wouldn’t have had the patience to grow and manage this jungle without @fragileassassin help on diy rdwc. I just used grommets which are cheap prolly 20-30 buck in pvc and fittings main expense was me going with the jebao pump. Which was 100 and something I would’ve just bought Gary’s as well. I like the man seems super laid back. There’s something about his voice that kinda perks my interest. Maybe his slight slur with maybe northern ish accent idk. Keeps me in there tho. Sorry I’m rambling on but you have to know I’m smoking so I get chatty. Best part about building trial and error, knowing your system and having the ability to fully customize it.

Anybody else have trouble with the active aqua pump (for waterfall) came home and mine was making a horrible grinding noise and the flow of water was greatly diminished. I am looking for an upgraded pump, does it matter which I choose?
Anybody else have trouble with the active aqua pump (for waterfall) came home and mine was making a horrible grinding noise and the flow of water was greatly diminished. I am looking for an upgraded pump, does it matter which I choose?
jebao brand
I ended up buying the system from Gary , priced everything out he isnt making very much off of it. It was alot easier for me , we are tight on space over here. Figured I watched enough of his videos it's also a support thing.

His system is Amazing , took me a minute to figure out some things as Im new to growing but after I got my temperature solid she has been running smooth. I bought the 4 unit 13 gallon system and I attached a reservoir top off system with it. I have a 1/4 hp ecoplus water chiller attached.

Yeah I'm pricing out copying but customizing the setup and I'm not ending up beating his price by much after accounting for all the details. And especially if I throw in the cost for the odd tool and my time.

There's a lot of overpriced DWC systems being sold out there. I don't include this one being anywhere near being overpriced.

Plus he even encourages people to find parts locally for cheaper even. I have a really hard time bashing him or this system design in any way. It's well thought out and no BS.
'Roots can definitely clog 1 1/4" pipes, easily. That's if you're growing decent sized plants.
This is as about as big as I grow,one plant.5 g pail 1 1/4" bulkhead.350 pump to 3/8ID feed hose x4 small air pump.No roots in my return.If you pump a large amounts of water around then yes your roots will follow the flow.With a small pump the airstones push roots up.This plant filled 3/4 with roots but i keep the level high so roots are always on top.So keep your systems simple with just enough flow you wont have root problems.i phone 260.JPG
They should use Current Cultures plant site lids also, much better than the ez-stor lid

Yeah, I can confirm the Current Culture H20 lids are a perfect fit with the 8 and 13 gallon EZ Stor buckets. Just went that route instead of messing with the somewhat flimsy and awkward EZ Stor lids. Like with the EZ Stor buckets themselves right now though, you really have to shop around to find a decent price on the Current Culture H20 lids. Most everywhere online that has them, has them severely marked up beyond MSRP right now.
Nobody should be knocking dude! Bought one of his single 5 gallon dwc kits last year...easiest grow I've ever done!! 175$ invested for one Jack herer auto landed me almost 150 grams of primo stuff! Or the 5lb fallponic tomato grow...

Sh*t is legit from this business.

Had thought I would need a chiller at one point, seeing as ambient temps saw +90°F temps for days w/black, uninsulated, 5 gallon buckets....nope, h20 stayed mid 70s even though I had an emergency IceProbe water chiller and 75gph pump on standby set for 78°(never got used to my knowledge). Simple dwc are the way to go and PA has the right stuff, in my opinion!
By any chance you still willing to sell
Damn man thanks for response I got impatient I ordered the 4 site Diy this weekend and overpaid for 5 13 gal buckets. But I did find. Recently really wanted to try after watching videos of course but those buckets are hard to find. When I googled setup it brought up this thread. An seen your comment figures I’d ask. But thanks for your response have good one.
Go with totes. Im litterally building a 24 site waterfall system tonight and tomm. All 18g totes, 2 inch and 1 inch pipe, bulkheads not uniseals, 2 pump system with 1 inch main manifold and 3/4" offshoots. 30g rez i have a total of $600 invested.... you can diy these for very very cheap sterilite 18g totes with lid are $10.... 12g are $7
Lotta debate, should I use 2 or 3 inch return
You could probably get away with 2 inch depending on how long you veg. Three inch is the shizzy. Never had one clog even with 6 footers. Also it really helps to put a valve on the pickup side of your circulation pump. Makes changing or servicing much easier. The P.A. hydro systems doesn't do this. I also added a 4 port manifold "think orbit or rainbird' for top feeding the plants till the roots hit the nutes in the buckets .Easy peasy