False memories?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to have false memories? Today for some random reason I'm thinking back on this memory that I have, and it seems vivid like it really happend. The memory is this, I remember hearing a song and like singing along with it or knowing some words to it. After the song came off the radio they are like "tell us how you liked the song!" I'm like wtf this song is new? How do I know the words? In the memory I think someone was with me, and confirmed that it was weird how I knew the words.

Heres where it gets weird and makes me think it's a false memory...I have no recollection of what song this was, or who the person I was with is. Or where it was. Now I know memories deteriate over time, but this doesn't feel like that. It's not like the feeling of forgetting part of a story. It's an odd thought. I feel like ive had this happen multiple times too. Just the thought of"I've heard this before.."

Nowi don't think this is déjà vu, as I am quite up to date on the science of what the believe causes déjà vu. I'll post the video explaining déjà vu better than our stoned ass can onthe next post. My point is this isn't the quick feelin of deja vu. It's more like a memory of a while back, not the here and now, as déjà vu is.

So is this even possible? Anyone else had any similar experiences? Did the aliens get to me? Is it a glitch in the matrix?


Well-Known Member
Even your "true memories" are figments of your imagination piecing back thoughts for you to remember, I think you can explain away some instances of deja vu and your "false memory" with a dream.. Maybe you had a dream one night, did not remember or think about it when you woke up.. then something triggered the thought of that dream & your stuck trying to figure out when/if it happened..

Have you ever had a dream that was just awesome, such as it seem so real, your normal self.. normal life.. but you had a shitload of cash? & you awake only to find yourself upset that a second ago you had 300k under your pillow. and now its gone :P


Well-Known Member
Yea man, I've never had one. I barely smoke pot, I don't drink, hell, I don't take advil, tylenol, or any drugs if I can help it. I also have an extremely accurate and well working memory. I remember everything from about age 10 and on and it all coincides with what my friends and family said had happened.

Oh yea, we're always around.
This is what is very odd. I have an extremely sharp memory, which is why I'm a little confused. Also it wasnt anything I heard before.


Well-Known Member
o yeah i create shit all the time, real fucking storms in my head that only exist to me. then the situation comes to pass and it was nothing like i thought. shit happeneds


Well-Known Member
Well, one day you will Remember the 30+ posts you wasted on an alter ego.
Yea man, I've never had one. I barely smoke pot, I don't drink, hell, I don't take advil, tylenol, or any drugs if I can help it. I also have an extremely accurate and well working memory. I remember everything from about age 10 and on and it all coincides with what my friends and family said had happened.

Oh yea, we're always around.


Well-Known Member
Even your "true memories" are figments of your imagination piecing back thoughts for you to remember, I think you can explain away some instances of deja vu and your "false memory" with a dream.. Maybe you had a dream one night, did not remember or think about it when you woke up.. then something triggered the thought of that dream & your stuck trying to figure out when/if it happened..

Have you ever had a dream that was just awesome, such as it seem so real, your normal self.. normal life.. but you had a shitload of cash? & you awake only to find yourself upset that a second ago you had 300k under your pillow. and now its gone :P
That seems like the most logical explanation. I typically do not reall the dreams I have. I know we all have dreams I just remember them when I'm awake for squat. My friend describes dreams exactly like you said tho. Secret hiding spot with tons of cash, then you wake up and realize it was never there. This is probably what happend to me, and since I don't remember my dreams it feels more like a memory! Aha!

Although I do believe this dream occurred some time ago. Like a decade plus, because I rember having these same memory like symptoms for at least that long. Tricky ass brain.


Well-Known Member
i mix up my dream with my memories some times , cuz am a serious insomniac and i only sleep for an hour at a time cuz my dreams are really vivid


Well-Known Member
idk i kinda like it tho , most of the time the dreams are better than the memories lolz


Well-Known Member
but me and him have one thing that don't match up , i drink and smoke pot ... A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i had a girlfriend break up with me once and never really got a decent reason outta her. the false memory i think i have is that she went on msn with me and told me i wasnt good looking enough for her or something. it might be a dream im pretty sure shes not like that and that it didnt happen but i guess it was my brains way of rationalizing something