Famous Libertarians Part I


New Member
Famous Libertarians Part I


I will write here about famous libertarians. The basics, many are not in school curriculum at all, even college. Seemingly erased from history, yet there has been many great libertarians that shaped this country into what it is today and consequently changed the world. Today I will tell you about the man currently in my avatar. A hero of MLK, Henry George.

Henry George, a left leaning libertarian, was famous for his belief and land value taxes, in short this is the belief that your taxes are based on the value of the land that you own. Henry George argued that this would promote growth and progress. The game monopoly was based on his philosophy.

Everyone knows about the most popular board game Monopoly. What many people don’t know is that this board game was originally called The Landlord’s Game and created by Lizzie Magie in 1904, specifically as an educational tool to teach the principles of Henry George.

If Henry George was such an influential economist to inspire the most popular board game, you begin to wonder why his name isn’t even mentioned in high school books covering American history, economics, or ethics. He isn’t even taught in college courses. The board game was not only the most popular, his treatise, Progress and Poverty, was the best-selling book by an American economist, with international influence, which Hong Kong specifically adopted, and inspired a populist movement.

Henry George was even an inspiration for MLK in his last book and speeches before he was assassinated. Henry George pointed out the flaws of both capitalism and socialism. His concepts bridged the gap between capitalism and socialism in a definitive and justified manner. However, the global banking cartel, european monarchs, and other aristocrats couldn’t take over our nation if the people had a solid understanding of economics. They couldn’t push forward the flawed systems of socialism, Keynesian economics, and Austrian economics if there was a theory which debunked all of them.

They couldn’t engineer problems and present solutions with Henry George in the pool of public knowledge. They hid the concepts as a children’s game, preventing people from relating common sense to real economic theory. The American people could only relate to whatever the false left, false right, and false libertarian foundations pushed forward.

They instituted the Austrian School of Economics and the Ludwig von Mises Institute in conservative and libertarian foundations, taught at places like Auburn University. They instituted Keynesian Economics and the Chicago School of Economics for more mainstream or moderate economics. They instituted socialism and communism in your left and liberal institutions.
All political paradigms were under their misdirection of flawed economic policies so they could run their problem-reaction-solution scams with the people, who were unable to articulate a real solution.

They made sure Henry George, the most important American economist, was deleted from the American memory. He is the unknown ghost behind the most popular board game and behind our state and local government tax systems. You could probably even say it should be his face rather than Teddy Roosevelt on Mt. Rushmore. His remains consist of a one room office barely manned with a part-time volunteer in Pennsylvania.
It is the conspiracy never talked about even though so blatant. It is only a matter of time until the global banking empire can achieve their dream of once again owning all the land and having a complete monopoly over the people, unless the people learn about Henry George.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I knew about the history of Monopoly because it's one of my favorite games. No one plays it with me much because I refuse to play with common house rules. Like receiving a jackpot for landing on free parking. I don't allow another player to buy a house if they run out, unless you tore down hotels to artificially cause a housing shortage. I wonder if Henry would be against house rules too.


New Member
I don't agree with those kind of rules either but if its your house then your rules I guees....playing with jackpots on free parking is a very long game and those people must really love monopoly or are trying to kill some time.

I don't think Henry George would support it either but I only assume that because the game is based on his philosophy and jackpots on free parking is not the rules lols


New Member
Famous Libertarians Part II

John Locke - a "bleeding heart" Libertarian at its roots, classical liberalism. This philosopher and doctor influenced our founding fathers heavily. Thomas Jefferson and the 1688 revolution to overthrow king James II. Locke was a man who whos ideas brought about the American Revolution.

The path for the American Revolution was paved, in no small part, by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon in their popular series of essays known as “Cato’s Letters,” which popularized key Lockean ideas and applied them to the American context. And, of course, Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil Government would have an even more direct effect on Thomas Jefferson, whose Declaration of Independence not only expresses Lockean themes, but does so at several points in something very close to Locke’s original language.
Locke's ideas were the single most important influence on the development of 20th century natural rights libertarian thought. His work is cited favorably, and the influence of his ideas is apparent, in the work of both Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard two 'founders' of libertarianism and then ultimately people like Heyak and Misses, Locke is essentially the grandfather of libertarianism. And, of course, the most well-known academic libertarian philosopher of the 20th century, Robert Nozick, explicitly and self-consciously followed Locke in much of his methodology, foundational moral assumptions, and political conclusions.

And why are these men erased from our history books? the very philosophers that our founders envied. It is quite the mystery. Stick around and I will connect some more dots.


New Member
Erased from Our history books?
Maybe they dont warrant teaching except in advance Classes you may find at college

Do they Teach that the Pilgrims were a bunch of religous Drunks that came here as part of a commercial enterprise, had indentured slaves. Came with Non pigrims?
Do they teach that Miles Standish was a Brutish 5 foot sadistic pile of shit?
Or that the Pilgrims once had to Beg for fish from the English up north?

No. But that doesnt mean it was Erased from our History books. You Obviously FOund the info

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Erased from Our history books?
Maybe they dont warrant teaching except in advance Classes you may find at college
How old are you Dukie? I learned some of this stuff in the sixth grade. Of course that was over a half century ago.

Honestly, the more of your posts I read, the more I realize just how effective our "modern" educational system has become. <Sheesh!>


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
How old are you Dukie? I learned some of this stuff in the sixth grade. Of course that was over a half century ago.

Honestly, the more of your posts I read, the more I realize just how effective our "modern" educational system has become. <Sheesh!>

I educated myself. I didn't need any boogeyman government telling me what I need to know. I have studied education. Public education isn't the answer. I can offer several real answers. But with the lack of views my signature receives, people want to be foolish sheep. If anyone wants to have a real mature discussion, I'll have one in my thread. I'm very passionate about real learning, no matter who you are. Even if duke or the ruiner want to chime on my thread.


New Member
How old are you Dukie? I learned some of this stuff in the sixth grade. Of course that was over a half century ago.

Honestly, the more of your posts I read, the more I realize just how effective our "modern" educational system has become. <Sheesh!>
I dont know how good My Education was since I went to a College prep military school. They had like this entrance exam and stuff and between Studying our getting are shoes shined we had about an hour and a half of free time for the Whole day.
Saturdays were different of Course. If we got our College Level studies done. We could watch TV and relax


Well-Known Member
I dont know how good My Education was since I went to a College prep military school. They had like this entrance exam and stuff and between Studying our getting are shoes shined we had about an hour and a half of free time for the Whole day.
Saturdays were different of Course. If we got our College Level studies done. We could watch TV and relax
Its, our- not -are


New Member
I educated myself. I didn't need any boogeyman government telling me what I need to know. I have studied education. Public education isn't the answer. I can offer several real answers. But with the lack of views my signature receives, people want to be foolish sheep. If anyone wants to have a real mature discussion, I'll have one in my thread. I'm very passionate about real learning, no matter who you are. Even if duke or the ruiner want to chime on my thread.
Public school didnt fail you
You and you're parents failed public school


New Member
Its, our- not -are
I'm lazy.
I dont correct Mistakes.
But if it makes you feel all fuzzy.
I will try to make the next 3 posts Grammatically Correct.
Speaking of spelling Grammar and Punctuation.<-----oops I forgot to put commas in
Are you on your period?

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Public school didnt fail you
You and you're parents failed public school
On the contrary, the state of public schools in this country is a travesty. There is no comparison between the education one receives in our government monopolized schools and that which is attained in home schooling or in private schools.

The answer is to separate school and state.


Well-Known Member
I'm lazy.
I dont correct Mistakes.
But if it makes you feel all fuzzy.
I will try to make the next 3 posts Grammatically Correct.
Speaking of spelling Grammar and Punctuation.<-----oops I forgot to put commas in
Are you on your period?
It would be a mistake to put commas in since there is no coordinating junction joining independent clauses. You also do not use commas in a series unless you have more than three items.

I don't think you are lazy, I think you genuinely just don't know how to spell all that well and don't know many grammar rules. It's Ok though Duke, not everyone receiving an education gets one.


Well-Known Member
I'm lazy.
I dont correct Mistakes.
But if it makes you feel all fuzzy.
I will try to make the next 3 posts Grammatically Correct.
Speaking of spelling Grammar and Punctuation.<-----oops I forgot to put commas in
Are you on your period?
bolded for truth

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Public school didnt fail you
You and you're parents failed public school
You obviously failed grammar. My grandparents were both public school teachers. They both told me how great the nonfunctional system worked. I never bought it and told them they were wrong. They were both Evangelical Lutherans too. Two wrongs. Although you have too many wrongs about you than I'm able to count. Why should anyone take you seriously when you're unable to express yourself properly? If you want to be a big dog, learn the rules. No one has time to decipher Dukeanese, the rest of us speak English.


New Member
Well I went to public schools, community college, and UofM. I did have history and philosophy classes that these people SHOULD have been mentioned but they are not. I would like to hear from any young person who learned about these men in school because I have never met any such person under the age of 35. The cover-up of libertarians is BLATANTLY obvious and YOU WOULD KNOW THIS HAD YOU STUDIED IT DUKE SO QUIT TALKING OUT YOUR ASS.

The entire history of libertarianism is a complete coverup. The elite powers that be don't want us learning about liberty, its a very dangerous thing for them, why else are anarchist potrayed as some kind of evil satanist criminals? It is for this same reason.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

A favorite of mine is Lysander Spooner who was first to prove an individual could do a better job than the government. He was an outspoken opponent of government intervention. His point was to prove he could replace any government service with a private one and beat it on both quality and price. He succeeded with his own version of the Post Office and the government wasn't amused. It made laws which forced him out of business so others wouldn't try what he did and replace other so called vital government serviced too. Public school doesn't teach about him because he doesn't fit the American attitude. Public school is conflict of interest. Education should free the mind, not indoctrinate it with subtle mind control.