Coronavirus Economy Plans are Clear, No Return to normal in 2020

I'm wondering if they got hit with a deadlier mutation. The LA times article suggested most cases in the Bay area were from people traveling to from China.
I figure these guys have what is known and important on this page.

Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

More on covid-19 strains., from Mar 27th

An excerpt:
"Labs around the world are turning their sequencing machines, most about the size of a desktop printer, to the task of rapidly sequencing the genomes of virus samples taken from people sick with COVID-19. The information is uploaded to a website called that shows how the virus is migrating and splitting into similar but new subtypes.

While researchers caution they're only seeing the tip of the iceberg, the tiny differences between the virus strains suggest shelter-in-place orders are working in some areas and that no one strain of the virus is more deadly than another. They also say it does not appear the strains will grow more lethal as they evolve.

“The virus mutates so slowly that the virus strains are fundamentally very similar to each other,” said Charles Chiu, a professor of medicine and infectious disease at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine".
Did you read the article? Corona was being spread communally since early February and has been here as early as December. Also two of the four cases in my county are asymptomatic. I dont know why California was not ravaged like new York or Michigan, but something is definitely different about our rate of infection. The article also mentioned a bad flu season may have helped mask it's presence.

It's because California has been smarter about it. Our Governor issued the stay at home idea earlier than other states. Hell, some states still aren't being cautious enough. I've been at home since March 14th, and the bay area locked down 5 Counties a couple of days later. That's an extreme response, to just stay at home for months, but many in the West have taken responsible action to help defeat this virus.

Also, California has many Asian people, and I was seeing Asians wearing masks in February. They were getting their ideas from their home country, instead of listening to the pea-brained trump.

America is not a failed state, but it has a failed presidency because a loser is president, and a failed GOP senate, who failed in their oaths and duty. Also failed citizens, who voted for this loser because they hated other Americans more than they loved their country.
First a discussion and then the article.
The Atlantic: America Is Acting Like A Failed State | MSNBC

America Is Acting Like a Failed State
Many businesses, local governments, and individuals are doing what is necessary to beat back the coronavirus—with little help from the White House.

A global pandemic is a mandatory exam in national competence. It is a test for individuals, who have to change their life and withdraw from public events to slow the spread of a disease through crowds and social networks. It is a test for companies, which must change their protocols to protect their employees, sometimes by banishing them from the office. It is a test for institutions, which must decide whether to uphold traditions and festivals for the sake of public morale, or to cancel events, tournaments, conferences, and concerts.

And it is, above all, a test for the state. Only the national government can oversee the response to a national outbreak by coordinating research on the nature of the disease. Only the state can ensure the national regulation and accuracy of testing, and use its fiscal and monetary might to stimulate the economy if the pandemic threatens people’s income and employment.

Throughout the world, the most effective responses to the historic threat of the coronavirus have come from state governments. China imposed a lockdown of tens of millions of people in Wuhan and other cities. In Singapore, the government built an app to inform citizens how to contain the virus and what public spaces to avoid. South Korea opened a number of drive-through centers to accelerate diagnostic testing.
Nancy is gonna make the GOP senate carry Donald's water one last time over this, good luck acquitting him this time. She doesn't need Donald leading these moral morons to disaster to make sure Joe wins the presidency. She now needs to get rid of as many GOP senators as she can and this will clean them out, if they vote to let him off they are screwed even in Dixie, and if they vote to convict, the republican base will be enraged at them. Between a rock and a hard place is where Nancy wants the cocksuckers and that is where they will be, at a time of her choosing.

Things will be much different this time around for witnesses and documents. Treason never did it, but death and economic destruction sure as shit will. Many hope they live long enough to see it.

This Is Trump’s Fault
The president is failing, and Americans are paying for his failures.

"I don’t take responsibility at all,”
said President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden on March 13. Those words will probably end up as the epitaph of his presidency, the single sentence that sums it all up.

Trump now fancies himself a “wartime president.” How is his war going? By the end of March, the coronavirus had killed more Americans than the 9/11 attacks. By the first weekend in April, the virus had killed more Americans than any single battle of the Civil War. By Easter, it may have killed more Americans than the Korean War. On the present trajectory, it will kill, by late April, more Americans than Vietnam. Having earlier promised that casualties could be held near zero, Trump now claims he will have done a “very good job” if the toll is held below 200,000 dead.

The United States is on trajectory to suffer more sickness, more dying, and more economic harm from this virus than any other comparably developed country.

Read: How the pandemic will end

That the pandemic occurred is not Trump’s fault. The utter unpreparedness of the United States for a pandemic is Trump’s fault. The loss of stockpiled respirators to breakage because the federal government let maintenance contracts lapse in 2018 is Trump’s fault. The failure to store sufficient protective medical gear in the national arsenal is Trump’s fault. That states are bidding against other states for equipment, paying many multiples of the precrisis price for ventilators, is Trump’s fault. Air travelers summoned home and forced to stand for hours in dense airport crowds alongside infected people? That was Trump’s fault too. Ten weeks of insisting that the coronavirus is a harmless flu that would miraculously go away on its own? Trump’s fault again. The refusal of red-state governors to act promptly, the failure to close Florida and Gulf Coast beaches until late March? That fault is more widely shared, but again, responsibility rests with Trump: He could have stopped it, and he did not.
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Why The Coronavirus Recession Is Unlike Any Other

The coronavirus pandemic is putting an end to the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. Policymakers and economists warn this recession will be unlike any other downturn.

After expanding for a record 126 months as of December 2019, economists now predict GDP growth will plummet in the first and second quarters of the year as businesses shutter and hundreds of millions of Americans are locked down.

"This is a huge, unprecedented, devastating hit," former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen told CNBC on Monday, adding she expects GDP to tumble 30% year on year in the second quarter.

Dire unemployment and growth forecasts have led some to compare the coronavirus downturn to the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009 or the Great Depression in the 1930s. However, policymakers say this recession is unlike any other in U.S. history because it was spawned by a health crisis, not by an unhealthy economy.

"I would point to the difference between this and a normal recession: There is nothing fundamentally wrong with our economy," Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told NBC's "TODAY" last month.