Fan controller wiring,help please


Active Member
Which wires go where?

my fan dont use a earth but im sure theres a space for a earth,does the fan wire have to have a earth or is it just the controller to plug that has to?

I was thinking cut fan wire in half and wiring it in but as it has no earth im guessing il need another with a eathed plug?

Let me know which my neg and live from fan go in and which are for the plugs earth/neg and posative please.
Thanks in advance.

Oh pluss reps of course.


Active Member
im in UK as long as I get the lives in I can work it out.
We have gree/yello wire (earth) brown and blue,erm forgot which is which but il know from the plug,im betting the brown is live ;-)

so do I just earth the controller or should I re wire my fan with a earth as my fan has no earth.

You all get reps just for replying,thanks ;-)


Active Member
Brown/Red To (L)
Blue/Black To (N)
Yellow/Green To (View attachment 1636951)
Thanks nitro but theres a L1 and L2 I guess this is for each items live? 1 plug 1 fan? and whats the X about?
Just need to know if I should re wire fan with a lead that has a earth wire or just use a wire with earth from controller to plug..

Dont fancy a shock but I guesss were going to have to give it a try,you know getting shocked give the amazingist feeling and pain at the same time,kinky.

Will it run if I just put a cable with earth in to controller and just wire my fan pos and neg in? or will the fans need re wiring with a earth wire?.

You know im not thock,I just dont want to blow every thing up lol,rather ask and be safe then sorry.

Hoping this dont blow my fan,im 3 week in bud.


Active Member
Thanks nitro but theres a L1 and L2 I guess this is for each items live? 1 plug 1 fan? and whats the X about?
Just need to know if I should re wire fan with a lead that has a earth wire or just use a wire with earth from controller to plug..

Dont fancy a shock but I guesss were going to have to give it a try,you know getting shocked give the amazingist feeling and pain at the same time,kinky.

Will it run if I just put a cable with earth in to controller and just wire my fan pos and neg in? or will the fans need re wiring with a earth wire?.

You know im not thock,I just dont want to blow every thing up lol,rather ask and be safe then sorry.

Hoping this dont blow my fan,im 3 week in bud.

L1 is live 1 and live 2 is live 2

the fan should have a earth built in if you connect earth to the inverted crimbo tree thats earth and use L and N not l1 and l2


Active Member
L1 is live 1 and live 2 is live 2

the fan should have a earth built in if you connect earth to the inverted crimbo tree thats earth and use L and N not l1 and l2
I get you but theres 2 N,this is a adjustable fan controller, should I wire plug or fan to L and N on left and then plug or fan to L1 and N seperately?which one would you connect the plug too?
Instruction are just bollox,if it just said plug wires go to bla bla and fan wires go to bla bla I would of done this a week a go,its just the fact that its a adjustable controller and I nee to be able to adjust it.

When I wired fan it said no earth so the fans plug just has neg and posative wire (fan to plug),you saying replace wire with a wire that has a earth wire? there is some where for earth to go in the fan it just said it dont need it when I wired it,so that can be done...

The controller has a on/off switch and a knob to adjust power,sorry to be a norse,just want to get it right 1st time.


If this(the pic) is for the fan controller then.
the L and N are your power IN, while N and L1 would be power OUT to fan. Some motors are double insulated and therefore dont have grounds(earth), if your fan is this type you dont need to ground it. The ground will have no effect in normal operation of a motor until short circuit where it would provide a much less restricted path then a person for instance.


Active Member
If this(the pic) is for the fan controller then.
the L and N are your power IN, while N and L1 would be power OUT to fan. Some motors are double insulated and therefore dont have grounds(earth), if your fan is this type you dont need to ground it. The ground will have no effect in normal operation of a motor until short circuit where it would provide a much less restricted path then a person for instance.

Yea it said in the fans instructions no earth but there is a space for it...
I will give it a run with out earth and see what happens..
Thanks for clearing the in/out wires,I was waiting for another reply before I did actually wire it up,preffer to do what majority say,so thanks for baking nitro up on that.
Think this might help others to as it hasnt had much replies..