fan HELP !!


Well-Known Member
i live in ontario and the temps are pretty high, im in the middle of putting in my ventalation but for now i just have a fan in my room and the temp is 25-27,but the fan is on th floor.

if i where to take the fan and mount it on the wall as high as it can go( around 6 feet+) and have it pointing down at my plants will this lower the temperature more?:weed:


Well-Known Member

Heat rises. Blowing down will only superheat them.

Intake vent in floor or on wall as close to floor as possible.
Fan on floor.

Exhaust vent up high. Suck that cool air in, let it hit the fan, chase the hot up and exhaust.



Well-Known Member
i live in ontario and the temps are pretty high, im in the middle of putting in my ventalation but for now i just have a fan in my room and the temp is 25-27,but the fan is on th floor.

if i where to take the fan and mount it on the wall as high as it can go( around 6 feet+) and have it pointing down at my plants will this lower the temperature more?:weed:
No, you want to do the opposite actually. Have it low and pushing cooler air up towards the plant/light.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Simple physics bro ... Fans have no cooling mechanism in them, therefore all you can do is DISPLACE heat, not remove it. Now, the majority of your heat radiates from your lighting source, so why don't you point your fans towards that and anything else producing heat that is close to your plants, and what this will do is push some of the heat away from your plants and share the load of heat throughout the room where it may be somewhat cooler in areas by a degree or two and the ventilation will atleast help your plants get through the stress. No ventilation would be much worse, that's for sure.

Do you have any nutrients to help them through this? I love Botanicare's Silica Blast for harsh enviornments, as the high potassium content helps harden off plants and resist stress from factors such as that. Another feed that helps with stress is beneficial bacteria, such as voodoo juice. Vitamin B complexes, as well. Spraying your plants down with some cool water is another way you can give them temporary relief while you're finishing up, and with the fans going, that will actually cause a faster rate of evaporation. Evaporation = Thermal Cooling Effect, just like the sweating & evaporation of the human body when you exercise. That is the bodies natural cooling function.

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
ya well i have no ventalation but im planing on installing a ducting fan 1 foot from the ceiling( is this a good idea cause ive read the make more heat then they take away ) and im using nute that are 15-15-30

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
The blower pumps hot air out of your room the same way an AC unit needs to have ducting through a wall to push it out of the room or house. Even if it did emit heat, it'd be emitted right next to the intake and suck up with all the rest of the hot air. It will not cause any problems for you, it'll only help.

I actually watched a youtube video of grow tips at the cannabis cup in amsterdam. A master grower who won the cup that year said that along with light and probably more so than nutrients, VENTILATION is the biggest key to grow success and increasing yields. Not just circulation, but by using blowers to channel used up hot air out and new fresh air in, you now have a more balanced gas exchange and your plants will thank you for that!

As for your nutes, I hope you're using more than just a 15-15-30 feed as I would not recommend using those ratios, however, it sounds like that would work to give them the potassium boost that'd help them thru this, along with a cool misting. Just make sure to do a light feed so you don't find yourself with heat stress AND nutrient burn.

Keep us updated on how the installation goes!


Well-Known Member
fans only move air. you need to introduce cooler air into room to cool room or do a better job cooling your lights

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
I'd say there's two affordable options you can choose to setup that would greatly help solve your problem...

The first would require 2 blowers and vented hoods/tempered glass. What you do is mount blower #1 (exhaust) to the wall or ceiling at the highest/hottest point possible in your room. Use ducting and run it into one end of your hood, and from the other side, run it directly to a wall and push that hot used up air out. I've seen people push it directly outside their house. I've also seen people during the winter reduce their homes heating costs by pushing that hot air into their living room and whatnot. You can even have two outputs with one closed off so that you can do both and switch it to funnel outside during summer. Blower #2 (intake) needs to be located at floor level, either inside or outside the grow room works pending on your setup, and simply have it pull fresh/cool air from outside. Also, make sure to run both on the same timer or power strip so that you push the same CFMs out as you do in. Another additional benefit of this is you can hook up some carbon filters to the vortex fans and knock two birds by taking care of odor control, too.

And two, I was at Home Depot and found LG's new 9,000 BTU portable AC unit + dehumidier. This is a great machine built to effectively cool around 500 sq ft (although I've successfully had it cool 1,000 sq ft during 95 degree temps showing how tough it is). It cost me $399 out the door. Not much more than what two vortex fans & some ducting will cost you, and it saves cutting as many holes in the wall/ceiling. And don't forget it came with a built-in dehumidifier which I paid $200 for a quality unit prior to this LG.

Hope this helps and offered some new ideas.


Well-Known Member
P1020555.jpgP1020557.jpgP1020559.jpgP1020558.jpg these are my babie and i think there doing good this is without ANY ventilation and just a fan, im buyin my ducting fan today, are they looking healthy

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Nice on the fans...

I would back off nutrients for a week or so. If you look at the tips of all your leaves, it is obvious nutrient burn. Prob too much nitrogen.

Keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
my nute are 15-15-30 i but 1 tablespoon for 2 liters of water, is that a good amount or should i just stop the nutes al togthere for a week or 2?

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Typically the directions for those nutrients is by the TEASPOON, rather than the tablespoon. So yes, you have prob been giving them a bit more than required. I would do water only for a week, as it sounds like you're adding a slow release which has prob built up over time and needs to flush out before you do any more feeding.

A couple other things to consider...

If you have the spare cash to spend, I can lead you in the right direction of buying nutrients designed more for the use of growing cannabis. Even if you don't want to make the trip to a hydro shop or order on ebay, there's still some cheaper options that you can grab from your local wal-mart garden dept or home depot. Your 15-15-30 NPK ratio is not ideal by any means, neither for veg or flower. An example of cheap things I purchased back when I was learning: Miracle Grow Organic Blood Meal (12-0-0) for veg, and their Bone Meal for Flower (5-12-6 or so). And just toss some bone meal in during veg to give it a lil phosphorus & potassium, then during flowering switch to bone meal only. That way your plants mainly get nitrogen during veg, and phos during flower. If you give your plant too much of something that it does not require in high doses, you risk causing nutrient lock, preventing your plants from absorbing the nutrients available to them that they DO need. So now that we got that out of the way, you can also spend a little bit more money if you want to get more scientific and purchase the following: PPM/PH meter - Measures your nutrient solutions parts per million reading and water PH levels, allowing you to either add more nutes if it's weak, or dilute with water if it's too strong. As well as allows you to add PH up/down to ensure proper 5.3-5.5 for hydro and 7.0 for soil. Better to be precise and follow a schedule of slowly stepping up the ppm for your plants as they mature. Next I would say take a hard look at Advanced Nutrients, Botanicare, or Roots Organics just to name a few of my favs. These are def pricier, but you will see amazing results compared to what you're currently using (everything from yield to taste & potency). It all comes down to what level you want to take your hobby to.

If you want help building a proper feeding schedule for your plants, as well as learning more about NPK ratios, micro nutes, carbs, bacterias, ... let me know

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Other cheaper addatives that you can find at lots of plant nurseries and whatnot is bat guana (mexican, jamaican, ... each have different diets, and therefore contain various NPK ratios), earthworm castings are one of the best natural sources of nitrogen, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, ... The liquids are better tho in the sense that they are already broken down and ready to be absorbed, so you can be more controlled on a day to day basis which is preferred by lots of growers, including myself. Easier to flush at the end of a grow, too, to enhance flavor. If you have too much slow release in there it's very hard to get it all out by the time u pull.


Well-Known Member
ok man thanks alot when i get this stuff would you mind if i sent you a message and you could give me a run down on how i should water and the amount of nutes and what not? the one thing im not taking serious cause i dunno how, and that aint fair to the babies

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Absolutely bro, that's why I'm here, to learn & help other fellow growers!

It def took some time researching, studying, and throwing my own experiments into the mix to learn from, but knowing how to feed your lil skanks properly and feeding them from the correct sources is absolutely vital if you plan to grow medical grade. Feeding them improperly and expecting big, beautiful, tasty nugs would be like eating mcdonalds 3x a day and expecting to get thin. Just not gonna happen!

Look forward to hearing from ya in the future when things are set ...