fan leaf question


Well-Known Member
hey. this is my first grow my plant are about 50 days old still in veg and the bottom set set of fan leaves is kinda light green/yellow i was just wondering what this means or if it even matters. thnx for any help!


Well-Known Member
If the very bottom leaves are not receiving full light they will eventually die off as the plant cannot use them.


Well-Known Member
ok should i do some thing to get more light to them or just let it go, also i did kinda have a little bit of a over watering prob, thats better now but could that be related?? thnx for your reply and any future help.


Well-Known Member
also i checked your journal very nice. how much did you yeild from ur fisrt grow? and how many plants? just wonderin what i might yeild. i got two, had three but one got balls but one has pistles the other not showin yet keepin my fingers crossed


Active Member
Bottom set of fan leaves yellowing is normal after that long for multiple reasons

Bottom leaves are not getting as much light, becoming less useful.

Also the simple truth is that younger leaves are more efficient at changing sunlight into carbohydrates that can be used by the plant.

If you have 2 leaves of the same size, one old and one new, the new one can "photosythesize" better than the old one. (Produce more food with less light)

In other words, old, lower level leaves aren't as important to the plant anymore and are naturally yellowing, and will eventually fall off... there is no reason to worry about it at this point.


Active Member
Make sure to remove all fallen leaves/debri from your growing area...

Wilted leaves will attract mites, gnats, and other bugs