Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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Heres my opinion. An alive fan leaf is a producer of energy and a dead one is a blocker of light. However I know it is not that simple and with certain setups or strains it may be better to remove fan leaves for better light penetration/airflow.

Never have I ever seen an oxymoron with as much girth hahaha! Love this thread! And am anxious to see where it takes me!
in this thing of ours, there aren't any studys done on it publicized so they only way to be "convinced" one way or the other is to experiment yourself, any thing else is just listening to a debate between people who have defoliated and love it, and people who have never done it tell you how stupid it is( stupid right?)

Why would anyone defoliate and love it? Do you love small yields? I have seen it done once, the buds stopped filling out, and it was a disaster.

This is a drooling idiot,'Beavis and Butthead' level grow 'technique.'
in this thing of ours, there aren't any studys done on it publicized so they only way to be "convinced" one way or the other is to experiment yourself, any thing else is just listening to a debate between people who have defoliated and love it, and people who have never done it tell you how stupid it is( stupid right?)

Why would anyone defoliate and love it? Do you love small yields? I have seen it done once, the buds stopped filling out, and it was a disaster.

This is a drooling idiot,'Beavis and Butthead' level grow 'technique.'

My buds didn't stop filling out. They weren't smaller than when I didn't pull leaves before either.
Why would anyone defoliate and love it? Do you love small yields? I have seen it done once, the buds stopped filling out, and it was a disaster.

This is a drooling idiot,'Beavis and Butthead' level grow 'technique.'
im sure your right, assuming your friend was a drooling idiot (birds of a feather etc,,,etc)
but as im sure you've seen on this thread there are those whom have and continue to do with great success, i know , i know anyone who dosent agree with is an idiot right? here is a medical grower who defoliates... look closely... well past all his thriving plants to see drool.. it's gotta be there [video=youtube_share;alRSi2BwUT8][/video]

there is nothing wrong with not knowing and there is nothing wrong with not wanting to find out for yourself, there, however is something wrong with insulting those that do want to find out for themselves. "ignorance is bliss" so i guess i don't have to tell you to have a good day. my bet is you always have them
Got a couple seedlings as well as a bigens running right now, and inspired by some of the things I've read mad seen here,
i made some cuts...
Cant really call it defoliating because I don't have enough foliage....
But I chopped off all the fans leaves on one side of my seedlings, so that I could tie it parallel to the ground.
I'm anxious to see if the plants respond how I expect them to.

I expect everything to grow up within a day or two, which I'm sure it will..
what I'm waiting to see is how the remaining leaves respond, and whether or not if it'll stunt the growth briefly....
I've got 4 other seedlings that I didn't touch, and a couple before pics..

Edit...Defoliated my White Widow also. I'm 10 days into 12/12. Worked the bottom half and didn't keep anything for clones

Now for an observation period.:joint:

Funny thing is....I think fan leaves are light blockers and energy producers..
I don't think one or the other cuts it...pun intended ha

It's just up to us to experiment and create our own art.

ohhh yeah an I got your oxymoron guy! Just found it to be "quotable" lol
im sure your right, assuming your friend was a drooling idiot (birds of a feather etc,,,etc)
but as im sure you've seen on this thread there are those whom have and continue to do with great success, i know , i know anyone who dosent agree with is an idiot right? here is a medical grower who defoliates... look closely... well past all his thriving plants to see drool.. it's gotta be there [video=youtube_share;alRSi2BwUT8][/video]

there is nothing wrong with not knowing and there is nothing wrong with not wanting to find out for yourself, there, however is something wrong with insulting those that do want to find out for themselves. "ignorance is bliss" so i guess i don't have to tell you to have a good day. my bet is you always have them

Knowledge is power. #TrueLife
I still won't do it till I'm flushing

I could careless about other people's weed, never had anyone ever tell my my weed isn't good or great.
Why would anyone defoliate and love it? Do you love small yields? I have seen it done once, the buds stopped filling out, and it was a disaster.

This is a drooling idiot,'Beavis and Butthead' level grow 'technique.'

It's typical of noobs that don't understand natural plant processes and always gravitate to gimmicks and lame trickery. Here's what I posted at Riddlem3, an invitation only site consisting of some pretty good growers. One member had just posted a series of photos on some very well grown plants - DanielsGB. This was my response to a member who responded to Daniels with "you make it look so easy."

It is easy. I think I can speak for Daniels and many of us who treat the plant like you would when growing grow it naturally. Mother nature will do what needs to be done in her own time. Our job is to provide support.


If you remove the fan leaves (large solar collectors) early, you've set the plant back. :roll: It will respond by replacing those fan leaves via output from the axil node sites. That is a hormonal response, like topping. Pretty stupid practice, but folks who are just learning and "experimenting"...... need to see what's going on thinking they'll reinvent the wheel. Kinda like the paper towel germination drill - not particularly good for the plant but the impatient grower who's forever hooked on false forum paradigm practices just can't let go long enough to grab a good book on indoor plant culture (and lurk at a gardening forum).

If you understand the mentality and psychology of the cannabis growing community, especially noobies most who have never grown a plant before, any kind of plant, then it all comes together.

Uncle Ben
but as im sure you've seen on this thread there are those whom have and continue to do with great success, i know , i know anyone who dosent agree with is an idiot right? here is a medical grower who defoliates... look closely... well past all his thriving plants to see drool.. it's gotta be there [video=youtube_share;alRSi2BwUT8][/video]

A 1,000 flies on a pile of shit can't be wrong.

there is nothing wrong with not knowing and there is nothing wrong with not wanting to find out for yourself,

Look, some of us "found out" while you was still messin' in your drawers. You kids always think you've found something unique, or, because it's popular it's correct. You name any plant and I bet I've grown it, so, don't start preaching to me about what makes a plant tick. While you're still finding out - I've been there, done that. Ever thought that what you're perceiving as successful just might be the way the plant responded naturally or to other outside forces and not necessarily what it would have been produced if grown naturally using a touch of common botanical sense?

Uncle Ben
Maybe you should work on your constructive criticism or whatever that is.....
Doesn't matter what you think you know and what you don't.
There isn't just one way to do anything with this plant....Which is why growers experiment between plants..

And how you know bro was shitting in drawers while you were becoming a guru?
Every day there's something new to be learned....You would be a FOOL to stop experimenting..

As time passes, survivors evolve...Ppl incapable of change become history as it's re-written.
Don't matter how many years you been growing, you haven't done and seen everything...There are too many strains and too many variables.

It's cool knowing your shit and all....true.....but you don't know everything....Neither do anyone on this forum.
And no one was personally preaching to you....I know I was preaching to the choir when you stopped by...

But have you...."Ever thought that what you're perceiving as successful just might be the way the plant responded naturally or to other outside forces and not necessarily what it would have been produced if grown naturally using a touch of common botanical sense?"

Knowledge IS power. Spread the wealth or fade to black...God is omniscient. Only him

just when you thought it was safe to have a conversation with out an old senile, rude person keep spouting off about growing cannabis like tomatoes which by the arent like cannabis in any shape or form . tomatoes produce fruit, cannabis produce flowers, tomatoes are perfect plants meaning have both male and female parts while cannabis is imperfect meaning male OR female. just two examples of how they are VERY different... i learned that poopin my drawers...... opinions are like assholes. asshole.

you are like a rash that is just out of reach, or that herpes thats just wont go away. go away. or stay I like picking on mental midgets.. now im a cyber-bully just like you.
A 1,000 flies on a pile of shit can't be wrong.

Look, some of us "found out" while you was still messin' in your drawers. You kids always think you've found something unique, or, because it's popular it's correct. You name any plant and I bet I've grown it, so, don't start preaching to me about what makes a plant tick. While you're still finding out - I've been there, done that. Ever thought that what you're perceiving as successful just might be the way the plant responded naturally or to other outside forces and not necessarily what it would have been produced if grown naturally using a touch of common botanical sense?

Uncle Ben

and further more, who would you be inclined to believe a medical grower, or some old dude in a tomato patch? no-brainer.
heyyy heyyy heyyyy lol! Dudes just a dude...
I wouldn't sweat him if I were you! I'd just keep it movin!
And keep evolving :joint:
this dude has been hounding and caterwauling me over last to months just wanted to give him some of his own medicine.... lol im back to my subdued self...heading back to my couch.
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