Dr. Greenhorn
Well-Known Member
you really think you created all this shit? really?? oh my...The only thing you set straight is your need to discredit me.
I created the 4 cola topping method for cannabis described in my pinned thread. Until then everyone was doing one main cola, or 8 little colas by topping too high, SCROG, FIM (Fuck I Missed) and such. I taught my topping technique before current day internet service on a newsgroup called ADPC. I also taught the cloning technique called air layering, a practice unknown and not practiced by cannabis growers. There have been many others....
Training methods known as "topping" have been around forever. It takes on many forms depending on the plant material, and no, that's not new.
never had the innternet till 5 yrs ago. knew all this shit waaay before I even got here. everybody I knew knew this shit, you didn't create it, sorry..... you gonna try and claim the double harvest too???
beware of false images
knowledge is power