Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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The only thing you set straight is your need to discredit me.


I created the 4 cola topping method for cannabis described in my pinned thread. Until then everyone was doing one main cola, or 8 little colas by topping too high, SCROG, FIM (Fuck I Missed) and such. I taught my topping technique before current day internet service on a newsgroup called ADPC. I also taught the cloning technique called air layering, a practice unknown and not practiced by cannabis growers. There have been many others....

Training methods known as "topping" have been around forever. It takes on many forms depending on the plant material, and no, that's not new.

you really think you created all this shit? really?? oh my...

never had the innternet till 5 yrs ago. knew all this shit waaay before I even got here. everybody I knew knew this shit, you didn't create it, sorry..... you gonna try and claim the double harvest too???

beware of false images

knowledge is power
When you take leaves off you decrease photosynthesis. When you decrease photosynthesis, you decrease carbohydrate production. When you decrease carbohydrate production, you decrease yield. You can't take energy from the plant and increase growth. Energy and growth are not mutually exclusive. Your whole premise is based on Beavis and Butthead ignorance. There are many, many scientific studies that document the relationship between defoliation and the accompanying decreases in yield.

"A study on sunflower (Helianthus annus) demons-trated that defoliation could not affect stem diameter and
plant height, but disk flower diameter, filled grains
percentage, one thousand seed weight, harvesting index
and grain yield affected by the every defoliation treat-
ments. Middle leaves of the stem have most important
role than the other leaves because of greater surface and
active participation in the photosynthesis. 100 percent
defoliation was lead to minimum yield of seeds comp-
ared to control because of decrease in grain weight and
filled grain percent (Abbaspour et al., 2001). Results of
many studies about effects of defoliation on seed yield of
sunflower showed that increase of defoliation intensity
and defoliation near flowering stage was lead to decrease
in seed yield because of decreasing in the photosynthetic

"Defoliation decreases yield by reduction of plantphotosynthesis, reduced light interception, reduction of stored dry matter caused by leaf area loss and
reduction of the filling period (Hinson et al., 1978; Ingram et al., 1981)."

There are endless scientific studies on this subject going back decades. Every scientific study comes to the same conclusion. Decreasing foliage decreases yield.

Decrease the energy going into the plant and you decrease the growth of the plant. It's simple math. 5 - 2 does not equal 6. It equals 4.

At least two posters in this thread get it. Like me and Jorge Cervantes say, "this is not hearsay, it's science".

It's plain old common sense, a quality that is lacking in cannabis growing circles.

The only thing you set straight is your need to discredit me.


I created the 4 cola topping method for cannabis described in my pinned thread. Until then everyone was doing one main cola, or 8 little colas by topping too high, SCROG, FIM (Fuck I Missed) and such. I taught my topping technique before current day internet service on a newsgroup called ADPC. I also taught the cloning technique called air layering, a practice unknown and not practiced by cannabis growers. There have been many others....

Training methods known as "topping" have been around forever. It takes on many forms depending on the plant material, and no, that's not new.

you really think you created all this shit? really?? oh my...

never had the innternet till 5 yrs ago. knew all this shit waaay before I even got here. everybody I knew knew this shit, you didn't create it, sorry..... you gonna try and claim the double harvest too???

Totally on point. Dudes ego is so inflated I'm amazed he doesn't float off into the sky like a hot air balloon. Needs his ego down a few notches imo.

I did a double harvest in fall 93/winter 94. Oh wait, my bad it was a triple harvest with a manipulated outdoor photoperiod brought into an enclosed greenhouse with a short reveg. Third harvest came in late January as I recall. Perhaps it was early Feb.
Just don't do anything funny like push bloom foods which always results in loss of leaves. Keep the leaves green and healthy until harvest even if it means giving them a high N food until harvest. I had a really good yield on outdoor plants last year. They got a slow release 18-4-8 with micros from start to finish. I played with a few hits of a bloom food (low N) and they let me know quickly they didn't like it.

Read your plants.

Love your dog. Is that a Skipperke?

Good luck,

Thanks UB. Hes a german shepherd.
you really think you created all this shit? really?? oh my...

never had the innternet till 5 yrs ago. knew all this shit waaay before I even got here. everybody I knew knew this shit, you didn't create it, sorry..... you gonna try and claim the double harvest too???

beware of false images

knowledge is power

What "shit" are talking about, shit-fer-brains.
Why do you insist on using profanity and direct insults towards other who simply disagree. It's quite childish.
you really think you created all this shit? really?? oh my...

never had the innternet till 5 yrs ago. knew all this shit waaay before I even got here. everybody I knew knew this shit, you didn't create it, sorry..... you gonna try and claim the double harvest too???

beware of false images

knowledge is power

Yeah I know UB didnt Invent that. But thats the technique he uses and Im pretty sure UB is a older guy who has been growing for a long time. He knows about growing that way.
I did a double harvest in fall 93/winter 94. Oh wait, my bad it was a triple harvest with a manipulated outdoor photoperiod brought into an enclosed greenhouse with a short reveg. Third harvest came in late January as I recall. Perhaps it was early Feb.

What in the hell does that have to do with my technique of training cannabis to 4 main colas? Man, some of you guys are so far out there.......

If you choose to play, keep track on what game we're playing. Sheesh!
Yeah I know UB didnt Invent that. But thats the technique he uses and Im pretty sure UB is a older guy who has been growing for a long time. He knows about growing that way.

How do you know I didn't invent topping to induce 2 or 4 main colas for cannabis? If you can prove otherwise, go for it.

Facts before feelings fellas.

I did a double harvest in fall 93/winter 94. Oh wait, my bad it was a triple harvest with a manipulated outdoor photoperiod brought into an enclosed greenhouse with a short reveg. Third harvest came in late January as I recall. Perhaps it was early Feb.

What in the hell does that have to do with my technique of training cannabis to 4 main colas? Man, some of you guys are so far out there.......

If you choose to play, keep track on what game we're playing. Sheesh!

I said in a previous post that I topped over 20 years ago. Then I responded to a different post regarding second harvests. Reading comprehension isn't high on your list of strengths, is it?
Totally on point. Dudes ego is so inflated I'm amazed he doesn't float off into the sky like a hot air balloon. Needs his ego down a few notches imo.

I did a double harvest in fall 93/winter 94. Oh wait, my bad it was a triple harvest with a manipulated outdoor photoperiod brought into an enclosed greenhouse with a short reveg. Third harvest came in late January as I recall. Perhaps it was early Feb.

YO PJ im going off subject to ask you if you know how to make transition from dwc to soil?
Totally on point. Dudes ego is so inflated I'm amazed he doesn't float off into the sky like a hot air balloon. Needs his ego down a few notches imo.

I did a double harvest in fall 93/winter 94. Oh wait, my bad it was a triple harvest with a manipulated outdoor photoperiod brought into an enclosed greenhouse with a short reveg. Third harvest came in late January as I recall. Perhaps it was early Feb.

YO PJ im going off subject to ask you if you know how to make transition from dwc to soil?

I grow in coco and perlite, and never done dwc.
How do you know I didn't invent topping to induce 2 or 4 main colas for cannabis? If you can prove otherwise, go for it.

Facts before feelings fellas.


Well I dont know for sure, But taking an educated guess that you didnt because that has been around how long now?(topping). I mean I bet you prolly been growing since the 70's, yes? It's possible you were the first to top a plant on purpose...but I think the chances are unlikly.
How do you know I didn't invent topping to induce 2 or 4 main colas for cannabis? If you can prove otherwise, go for it.

Facts before feelings fellas.


Well I dont know for sure, But taking an aducated guess that you didnt because that has been around how long now?(topping). I mean I bet you prolly been growing since the 70's, yes? It's possible you were the first to top a plant on purpose...but I think the chances are unlikly.
I'm pretty sure that UB said he grew his first plant over 15 years ago. I topped my first plant 20 years ago. That's how I know he didn't invent it.
How do you know I didn't invent topping to induce 2 or 4 main colas for cannabis? If you can prove otherwise, go for it.

Facts before feelings fellas.


Well I dont know for sure, But taking an aducated guess that you didnt because that has been around how long now?(topping). I mean I bet you prolly been growing since the 70's, yes? It's possible you were the first to top a plant on purpose...but I think the chances are unlikly.
I'm pretty sure that UB said he grew his first plant over 15 years ago. I topped my first plant 20 years ago. That's how I know he didn't invent it.

Oh, also I hadn't read any ganja books when I grew my first plant. I had only taken one horticulture class at the time. Does that mean I actually invented it?
I'm pretty sure that UB said he grew his first plant over 15 years ago. I topped my first plant 20 years ago. That's how I know he didn't invent it.

UB has been doing the grow forum internet thing for 15 years and growing much much longer than that ...I will not say how long it is as don't wanna rat his age out...he's an ol

And he is credited by many popular as well respected cannaphiles for his topping technique for 4 MAIN COLAS

I know he is abrasive and muleheaded worse than a mule but I have to say that what I have included in my style of growing from him has always worked splendidly for ME...and that is all I can say
Respect your elders people... UB might not be the most patient person around, however, he is giving his experiences of growing for FREE... Not trying to make you pay for it like any "normal" "nice" hypocrite person.... There is a price to pray and is to listen after a million of oboe including myself ask and state the same stupid shit over and over claiming that we are re creating the wheel again.. Like the old say goes... The young can do but doesn't know how... While the old know how but can't do...
You gotta give respect to get it...No matter how old you are.

The arguments was over a while back!

Look at how this thread got ta POPPING!

Who care who created what....And who said they did what when and where....

Are fan leaves light blockers or producers? I'm still convinced that they're both!
Doesn't seem to have hurt my White Widow...I'm preparing for a gorgeous yield! I'll post result RIGHT HERE HAHA!

Rock on RIU!
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