Fan leaf's yellowing????


Hi chaps,

Have got two auto bubble's going both started at the same and are 4wks old, ive noticed over the past week only ONE of my gems is starting to yellow on the end of its fan leaves.
living conditions seem ideal according to my gadgets and its only happening to one.Any ideas on what could be going on here?? is she lacking in something? i have just started my big bloom nutes in the past 2 days.

thanks for reading any advice would be much appreciated. :leaf: easy jim.


Well-Known Member
u talking yellowing on the tips like tip burn? if so back off the nutes u are usinga little and see if the yellowing tips decrease. However if you mean the leaves are yellowing in general it may be a lack of nitrogen. Honestly the best way to see what is happening is to post a few pics of the plants. could be a PH problem meaning nute lockout ect, pics man pics! :)

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Was it starting to yellow before you added nutes? May just need some Nitrogen if it hasn't been fertilized in 4 weeks.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Was it starting to yellow before you added nutes? May just need some Nitrogen if it hasn't been fertilized in 4 weeks.

We must of been typing at the same time!


Active Member
And like bucket guy said, it might be nute burn or nute lockout, which is where the muted are present but because of an improper ph level the roots cannot absorb them.That link will tell you everything, and it has many pictures!


Hi chaps,
would be posting pics but unfortunately i dont have a decent camera, but its on my list of things to buy ha.first thanks for all your help :) im not considering nute burn as an option because it started long before i was giving them the nutes, and after looking on the link given its clearly a nitro problem :( it says on the link that it will spread higher as it worsens and there is signs of this!!
My bloom nutes dont contain any nitrogen atall! how can i cure her this late in the grow?? will this mean a low yield out of this 1?? fortunately my other 1 is kicking right off now plenty of little buds starting :) very EXCITEEE!
thanks again chaps. SEALEGS