fan leave dieing in early flowering?


I am growing white rhino in Fox Farm OF 4 days ago I gave her 1 tablespoon of each (earthjuice grow, bloom, catalyst. bubbled this stuff for 48 hours and fed her. Now the 2 fan leaves on the second node are dead. here are a pic of them. This plant is in early flowering, whats wrong. no other leaves are doing this yet!She was topped at second node a while back.



Active Member
Potasium or mag maybe I think that started to happen to me on one or two plants last year. I flushed for a week and trimmed the dead part of the leaf off. Don't take the wholeleaf off.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what to tell you. My first reaction would be to stop using that mix of nutrients while i did some research to make sure that the mix contained everything my plants need in the proper ratios for early flowering. Your plant needs slightly higher P and K during early flowering, but not at the expense of N. I'm not familiar with your brand of nutes, but your NPK ratio should be no more then a 1-2-1(maybe a 1-2.5-1.5) this early in flowering, and whatever you give it also has to have all the micronutrients. You also need to build up when giving nutes- always start out with about 1/4 of the recommended dosage and add to that with each feeding. As soon as you see any signs of nute burn go back to the last dosage you used without it burning and use that from then on out. DO NOT pay attention to specific feeding schedules that tell you much to feed based on a calender-plants don't grow according to our schedules, and trying to force them to is just going to cause you headaches.

When you get farther into flowering your going to want to increase your P levels a bit more, but once again do not neglect the N. There are way too many nutes out there that are supposed to be bloom enhancers that have ratios like 1-6-3 or 0-50-30, and while they will make your buds grow they do it at the expense of healthy leaves. Don't buy into the snake oil and hype-keep your plants green and healthy through harvest and you'll be happy with the results.