Fan Leave Going Purple the Day After Adding Molasses


Active Member
Only happened to one plant, seems the fan leaves are going purple. 7th week of flower, any ideas? First time adding molasses.....



Well-Known Member
well this could be two things, well three actually. One your temps have dropped, two you have a strain that with turn this color late into flower (probably the case) or three you have a P deficiency ( i think, Im actually going to double check that)


Well-Known Member
ya a P deficiency can cause purple/red fan leaves late in flower, your usually gonna see spotting and yellowing in the process also, so if your plants looking healthy otherwise...which to me they do. Then chances are the strain/pheno turns purple late in flower.

molasses is just a carbo booster....but on the subject, how much did you add?


Active Member
Thanks, one thing I've noticed about this plant is it drinks a lot more than the others. It's all the same strain but this particular plant seems to look different. I have no idea what a pheno is... I suppose I should read up on it.


Active Member
I wish I knew, I got 10 beans from an 0z a while back. Really enjoyed the buzz so I figured I'd give it a grow. I added 2 tbl spoons per gallon


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt 2 tablespoons would hurt, I only used to feed 1, either way I'm sure your good, got any other pics of them?


Weed Modifier
first grow...looks nice :clap:
some turn color and they look healthy at 7 weeks in so probably be fine!
I got a purple one too Purple Kush...:bigjoint:i like the look and mine turned at 7 weeks also...i wouldn't worry too much she looks fine to me for your first round!..bongsmilie can you take a pic without the hps on for the pic then we will see the true colors

here is mine right at chop ...



Well-Known Member
I highly doubt 2 tablespoons would hurt, I only used to feed 1, either way I'm sure your good, got any other pics of them?
Yeah, where did this 2 tbl/gal come from all of a sudden?

I only used to do one, and as time and experience went on, used even less. Now, I use a heavy 2tbl for a 5 gallon bucket.



Active Member
first grow...looks nice :clap:
some turn color and they look healthy at 7 weeks in so probably be fine!
I got a purple one too Purple Kush...:bigjoint:i like the look and mine turned at 7 weeks also...i wouldn't worry too much she looks fine to me for your first round!..bongsmilie can you take a pic without the hps on for the pic then we will see the true colors

here is mine right at chop ...
Here it is without the HPS beaming down, I do believe this plant is VERY close to being ready :) DSCN0313.jpgDSCN0318.jpgDSCN0320.jpg


Active Member
Actually the yellow spots didn't appear until I added Cha-Ching along with other nutes. I did a full dose, looking back I probably shouldn't have..