I live in a farming country and if i go outdoors at harvest to the farmers feilds 90 percent of his plants are pretty much 100 percent green leafed when harvested, we have grape vines that stay green until the day the grapes are plucked and made into wine, we have farmers markets, competitions, events and highly prized fruit and veg without a green leaf, i eat cabbage that still has its roots on from the farm with 100percent green leaves and so on! Yer in the parks where no one really fertilizes the soil apart from the actions of mother nature and where stress, disease and fungi are rife yet alone the thousonds upon thosonds of pests that visit their trees every year, yer the leaves are falling well before the fruits but my country stays green until the frosts and its farms are some of the best around and if they grew weed they would keep most leaves green until harvest. I appreciate your point of veiw but the farmers round my parts would argue against you. Even i get yellowing and purpling but the biggest and best of my plants are always the greenest, mother nature has nothing to do with my grow, its all down to me really. I also would point out that farmers do not flush their feilds and we all eat fertilized plants wether they be organic or inorganic, i fail to reason why a pre harvest flush is even nessesary for a lot of grows as well and there are a lot who would agree that you dont need to flush as long with the right conditions. Please do not bring the wether to flush or not to flush point pre harvest up as that is for another thread and not relevant here.