Fan leaves "crossing" Any ideas?


Active Member
Hello RIUI have a couple ladies whos fan leaves seem to be crossing over eachother(the leaflets on the side of each fan leaf is crossing over the middle leaflet, if that makes any sense.). I have looked online and could not find anything similar to what I have. I vegged them for 3 weeks under a MH, and now they are almost into their first week of 12/12(400W light). I am using FFOF for soil, and have only been feeding lightly with Big Bloom. Ill try and get some pictures up later, but for the time being, does anyone know what could be causing this?

The blades of the fan leaves is what I mean by "leaflets". Each single fan leaf has about 3 large blades, correct? Well the two outermost blades of the leaf are folding in and "crossing over" the middle blade. I hope that better explains it.


Active Member
no idea what you are talking about...and attaching a picture of coral doesn't really help ;)
Sorry man, I know. My phone decided to fuck me over and upload that picture for some reason with my post. I do not have a camera that can take pictures though atm.