Fan leaves dark green newer leaves light green


Well-Known Member
yea thats normal. pump up the micro nutes a bit if ya want, and up the P and K a little too for the next watering, but just as a preventative really, they arent ´light´enough to be worried about it, but you can start treating before its an issue. if the bottom is still rich and dark, then dont adjust the nitrogen any.
Im using foxfarm tiger bloom ,grow big,and big bloom and i dont see
Phosphorous on any of the bottles im a noob grower and this is my first plant :)
i did about 10 mins after it was all setup i relized it when i hade a faint smell of something burning lol ya i was so excited didnt relize it till after the whole setup just got the setup this afternoone and got it up about 8:30 pm EST but also what can i use for
potassium when im using tigerbloom,grow big,and big bloom all foxfarm


Active Member
It's normal for new leaves to be lighter than the rest when they are growing in, especally when they are growing in at a rapid rate. The bottom leaves do not look excessively dark green at all. Leaves sticking straight up is known as "praying" and is a sign of supreme health and happiness in the plant. Also, all your stems, branches and even stalk are still perfectly bright green without even the slightest hint of lignification (turning brown and forming bark). Your plant looks amazingly healthy and happy, dude. Great job.
The only problem I see is that you should have topped it, trained it or supercropped it, or started flowering earlier, because those lower branches are never going to get the light they need. You may want to add some floro tubes on the side for side lighting, or do some pruning of the lower branches as they will only be "suckers" and suck energy from the plant without ever really producing much of anything.

Oh one other thing, the leaf tips look like they are curling down a bit, known as "rams horn" which may indicate there's a slight pH problem, but it doesn't look too bad at all. Actually just read that dark green leaves and downward curling tips is a sign of Nitrogen overdose. So if you do think the fan leaves are too dark green (kinda hard to guage from a pic), that may be your problem. Have you switched to bloom ferts or started flowering 12/12 yet?

Dude (or Dudette)...remove the blue plastic protection from your reflector unless you like the smell of burnt plastic and reduced reflectivity.
Good call
ya just got my light setup today and now it covers the whole plant now and yes started 12/12 about 2 weeks ago was using a dome and a 100w light bulb till today lol but imma lay off the nut and just water for the next week and c how that goes also was using 2 cp fans connected to a cell phone add i spliced them but now im using honywell turbo force 2 of ummm imma see a big differince in the next 2 days but going to lay off the (n) for now what can i use for (k) tho i have big bloom tiger bloom and grow big?


Active Member
You can try cloning the lower branches if you want. If I were you I wuold supercrop the top at this point. Bend the main stem at the top until it cracks. that will alow some of the branches to catch up to the top. You want an even canopy, anything below the canopy will not develop well. It doesnt look like that thing has started flowering yet and if you don't do something its going to wind up 7' tall!