Fan leaves falling off flowering plant


Well-Known Member
Like the title says my plants fan leafs just fall off randomly, it is flowering , looks to be a sativa plant my guess is sweet island skunk (I had some seeds of that and another indica). Is this normal ? The leafs just kinda die and fall off. My other plants don't really have this problem.The bud sites look very healthy tho so idk what is going on?


ya its normal, i was once growing auto berry ryder from auto seeds , the same problem occur , its normal as long as your bud nugs sites look green and orange , so yeah,


leaves fall off, or do the leaves turn pale yellow then become white and drys up?

how many weeks of flowering do you still have left till harvest, whats lights you using, are you using nutes, any photos?


Well-Known Member
Nah they just fall off they aren't white they are still green and look fine. The stem gets like weak or some shit and they just fall. I am using Gen hydro nutes. LED lights, prob 3-4 weeks until harvest I am about 1 month into flower.


Well-Known Member
The botanical terminology for that is 'leaf abscission'. As the end nears, leaf abscission can occur as a part of the process of senescence as the plant prepares to just finish flowering and then die (or in the case of perennials, survive the winter). Even though the cannabis we grow is considered an annual, it is not far removed from being perennial (and I've read that it is actually the only annual that is dioecious) which may be a left-over trait/aspect of that. Or there is the theory that leaf abscission is tied into making the flowers more accessible to pollinators or assisting with the scattering of pollen or seed.