Fan leaves pointing up


Well-Known Member
Not like taco-ing, or part of the leaf blades, the entire fan leaves (stem & all) are all pointing straight up.
Its in about 4 weeks of flowering, just wondering if this is a bad sign?

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
This is a good indication of health. If your doing everything right this is a good sign. Now if they where curling towards the stem and looks like a claw that's no good. So if they appear to reach for the light Yer doing alright. Just watch the leafs they will tell you everything that is going on...


Well-Known Member
agree, if they point up in a angle of 20-30% or so and have a slight curling to the leave (upwards as well) its a sure sign of healthy plant`s

sumthing like this:


if the leaves is almost closed and is pointing STRAIT up it can be a sign of wrong PH, but you can spot the different, leaves look extreme and not healthy, edges of the leaves can curl up and almost around them self and grow stop completely


Well-Known Member
that was when I run my 600W HPS (now I run LEDs instead)

distance was 20 inch`s before I got a cool hood on it, after that I could keep it 12-15" away (picture is with out the cool hood)

att 20" distance my light meter show about 4-5K foot candles at 15" even with a 3mm glass sheet on it I had +6K foot candles at the top of my plants


and with the cool hood on:


and the LEDs

DSC01376.jpgView attachment 2643650


Well-Known Member
I think those buds might outgrow their holes. You might want to go around and snip a side of each spot a top is coming through.


Well-Known Member
I think those buds might outgrow their holes. You might want to go around and snip a side of each spot a top is coming through.

I hope your right :D

dont worry Im a metalsmith got all the tools if necessary ;)