Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1


Active Member
So i pulled off all the dying leaves, thanks It's 5 o'clock somewhere, and i've added my epson salts so hopefully everything is sorted. Just a quick question, willl this effect my yield? And any idea's about the white spots on the fan leaves? (last pic's i posted)


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I don't know about hurting your yeild, I feel it gets better light to the buds and lets light penetrate deeper into the plant and your yeild should actually go up. If your interested check out my thread, use the link in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Feel free to point out which part of my advice was wrong. Double harvests work with marijuana if you properly snip your branches and don't just hack off the main stem.
I know you can harvest more than once, I've done it. Generally the yields diminish and the vigor of the plant isn't the same anymore so the way I see it is nature made mj to be an annual so I treat it that way.

Sorry if I sounded like a douche just had a bad day. Welcome to RIU :mrgreen::mrgreen:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
This is what my flower room looks like. Notice how they yellow as they come across the room. The new clones on the left and almost ready for harvest on the right.



Active Member
The fan leaves on the lower braches have started yellowing after the white spots. Even with the added magnesium they still seem to be dying?


Active Member
At 8 weeks of flowering nearly all of your leaves will be dead or dying. The plant is almost done.

What strain are you growing? The buds look a little immature for 8 weeks. Is it a sativa?


Active Member
Arjan's haze # 1 which is a sativa. I actually thought the same thing about the buds but they seem to be going well with good crystal production. Id take some photo's but they're sleeping :)


Active Member
So the lower leaves are still all dying but the buds seem to be doing well. just cut off an early nug. looking good i think. Im nearly ready to flush and I was wondering if i should add magnessium to my water during flush? sorry if its a stupid question.




Well-Known Member
thats exactly what it is

that doesnt look like the regular used up and fall off the plant dying. the whole leaf will turn yellow and it will still be alive. that has spots that look like the leafs got wet then sat under an hid light. thats deffinitly not normal. im not sure what defficiancy it is but its deffinitly something causing that.

when its natural the whole leaf will turn yellow before falling off.


Well-Known Member
I know you can harvest more than once, I've done it. Generally the yields diminish and the vigor of the plant isn't the same anymore so the way I see it is nature made mj to be an annual so I treat it that way.

Sorry if I sounded like a douche just had a bad day. Welcome to RIU :mrgreen::mrgreen:
i double harvested a couple plants just to see what happened. basically the plaants genetics evolved backwards. to all 3 leaf fans and the branches were really thin . i got buds but not what it produced the first time around...


Active Member
Im no expert however Im comming up on my 4th harvest of arrjans haze #3 and they flower for a full 12 weeks and the fan leaves start dying at about 8 weeks... normal or not its the way it goes each time and they turn out great for what they are (I grow this in 1 location because they seem to grow in the cabinet without a lot of odour). Arrjans haze #1 flowers for 11 weeks so for what ur plants are doin I would expect


Active Member
Just a last question, do any of you guys know how long you flush for with an autopot system?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Im no expert however Im comming up on my 4th harvest of arrjans haze #3 and they flower for a full 12 weeks and the fan leaves start dying at about 8 weeks... normal or not its the way it goes each time and they turn out great for what they are (I grow this in 1 location because they seem to grow in the cabinet without a lot of odour). Arrjans haze #1 flowers for 11 weeks so for what ur plants are doin I would expect
Thanks for stepping up. I was going to say that but sometimes people have to hear things several times from several people to actualy get it to soak in. You should listen to the advice of someone who has grown out that strain, let alone someone who has grown it several times. He sounds like the man you need to talk to.

Your running a sativa that will not finish like most hybrids or indicas. They take a long time to finish. Your pistils are still pure white and the cylax haven't even started to swell. You need to get a small hand held scope and look at the tric's. You can find them at raido shack. When you start to see the pistils turning darker and shrinking back on the buds thats when you need to start checking your tric's. When most are milky a few clear and none amber it will give you the up racy high of the sativa. If you let it go til it's about 30% amber you will get a more body stone with it. If you wait til it's 50% or more you went to far with a sativa and the thc is actually breaking down. I wouldn't start flushing until they are in their 9th or 10th week. But a good indicator is when the pistils are retracting, start your flush.

One thing I see people do on their long maturing sativas is stop giving the nitrogen way to soon. It will not be ready in 8 weeks and will need nitrogen deeper into flower than what the hybrids need. You should still be giving N into it's 5th or 6th week then stop as you increase the P and K going into the 7th and beyond.

Just a last question, do any of you guys know how long you flush for with an autopot system?
Unless your filling your plant with chemical feed you should only need 1-2 weeks for a flush. Mine get a week.....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I found this for you...

Green House Seed Company caters to the haze fan with several strains in this family. Arjan's Haze #1 is a strong sativa with medium-size internodes, a combination of G-13 and Neville's Haze. Hazes tend to be a bit leggy, because they branch rapidly, forming a lanky pine tree shape. Ajan's Haze is in the middle of the haze spectrum and can be kept short by pruning and splitting. The stems are very flexible during vegetative growth, allowing for easy bending and training. Ideally this plant is grown with to plants per square yard.

The best yields for this variety come from hydro systems, but growing in soil will give a smoother taste and a more natural high. It can be grown with sufficient indoor space, or outside in Mediterranean, temperate and subtropical regions. Arjan's Haze #1 has a very fast metabolism and absorbs more feeding than an average sativa. Green House recommends starting with a low pH (5.5 hydro / 5.7 soil) and slowly increasing to 6.3 at the end of flowering. Maximum EC levels should be 2.1 in hydro and 1.9 in soil. Plants should be flushed in the final stages of flowering.

As haze cultivators know, these sativas require longer grow times. Arjan's Haze #1 ripens in an average 11 weeks, or late October / early November in the northern hemisphere. When planted in 5-gallon containers, height can be limited to 4-5 feet at maturity. When root development is not limited and ideal conditions are met, this plant can easily reach over 10 feet.

This dark oily green plant has large leaves and huge buds that are quite compact and dense for a sativa, with an irregular shape due to calyx development, and short thick hairs. Its intense sativa aromas - reminding one of moss, forest and musk - are a natural deterrant to pests. The smoke has a background of incense and hard wood, with hints of mint and pepper in flavor.Its strong high creeps up slowly and steadily, reaching a very long peak. It is an uplifting and clearheaded sensation that is ideal for


Active Member
Thanks, It's 5 o'clock somwhere and BeachBum420 for the advice. its reli helped! I didnt kno you should harvest sativa's so early to give that high you described, thats probably why my last batch turned out to be such a couch locking experience! Some of the lower buds are turning amber but very slowly. Another question is that im not giving mine any extra N, P or k? Just GHE nutes is that ok? On the microscope side, i live in africa so its abit harder to get stuff like that so we'll just have to see. You guys are reli lucky you can just cruise to raido shack and pick up good cheap stuff. Ya i hear you about the 10 ft tall. Mine was 7ft in only 6 weeks of flowering until i started topping her! BeachBum my buds are still fairly small in size, i kno for a sativa its normal but how big do they get? Im running a 600 watt sunmaster grow light (HPS) and using the flora series from GHE, bloom, micro (softwater) and gro.

Thanks again guys,


Active Member
Another thing, would GHE be considered chemical feed? I kno most ppl dont like it but unfortunetly its all i can get.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Thanks, It's 5 o'clock somwhere and BeachBum420 for the advice. its reli helped! I didnt kno you should harvest sativa's so early to give that high you described, thats probably why my last batch turned out to be such a couch locking experience! Some of the lower buds are turning amber but very slowly. Another question is that im not giving mine any extra N, P or k? Just GHE nutes is that ok? On the microscope side, i live in africa so its abit harder to get stuff like that so we'll just have to see. You guys are reli lucky you can just cruise to raido shack and pick up good cheap stuff. Ya i hear you about the 10 ft tall. Mine was 7ft in only 6 weeks of flowering until i started topping her! BeachBum my buds are still fairly small in size, i kno for a sativa its normal but how big do they get? Im running a 600 watt sunmaster grow light (HPS) and using the flora series from GHE, bloom, micro (softwater) and gro.

Thanks again guys,
What I found on it said it was organic but I only found one site and I don't know if that is the same stuff your using. Does it say Organic on the bottle? Your N,P,&k are the Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P), and the Potash (K). They are represented in a % on the side of your bottle.

Sorry for your luck with the microscope but if your in Africa and talking to me in the middle of the US then you can get a scope in a few days over the net.

The amber I am speaking of is the head of the tricrome not the color of the plant. You can not see it with the naked eye without the help of a scope. You should read this

And this

And this


Active Member
problem is that the bottles dont come with the labels on. Apparently they forgot to send them the guy said at the grow shop. I dont have a credit card so i cant do that either! But i've been looking around here for awhile so hopefully something will turn up. Sorry i didnt mean the tricrome's turning amber i ment pistals. Anyway thanks for advice and hopefully she'll come right.