fan requirements for cooltube and carbon scrubber


hey everyone,
i am planning to build a grow closet (200cm x 90cm x 60cm)
my first choice of light is 250w hps ( i guess its enough for 60 x 90 cm area)
and i will be using a 200m3 carbon scrubber which is the smallest i can get)
my problem is that i cant decide what kind of fans to use. stealth and silence is top priority for me. so i need to use a silent model. my options are using a soler palau td 350/125 silent mixed fan which works 380m3/h and attach both scrubber and cooltube to it. problem with this fan is it is huge like 47 x 26 x 21 cm and i have to make a lot of curves with the duct if i use this set up.
or i can purchase the soler palau td silent 160/100 N 180m3/h. one for cooltube, take air from outside and blowing it outside ( two 90 degree angles on the duct) an one for the scrubber.( one 90degree angle). since i live in a very hot region heat is really going to be an issue for me.
i really need advice because i am a newbie to the fans and how much pressure they create. are these fans enough or too much for the set ups i described? or would a regular axial 180 m3/h fan work with cooltube closed ventilation system / td 160/100 be enough for both scrubber and cooltube / or should i just use cfl lights to prevent heat issues(i am not sure how good buds grow with them? the salesman tells me to buy the 250/100 or 350/125 fan and use it for both scrubber and cooltube but i am not sure. as i told before silence and heat is very important for me. i seek everyones advice. thanx
fwiw, I have a TD100 connected to a cool tube in my 3'x2'x5' tent and it works like a charm. The TD100 is amazingly silent.
I have a scrubber, then cool tube then td100 venting out. My temps are about 5-6 degrees above ambient. I keep the house around 72 so my temps are fine in the tent.


No presonal experience with it, but I think Fantech FR100 should fit your requirements, its a 108CFM centrifugal fan, deviding by a factor of 0.588, you get ~183.7m^3/h, Seems pretty fitting for your filter, and from the reviews I've seen it seems like a reliable and quiet fan.


i cant order internationaly and i only have limited variety of models here but i think the td silent 160 fan creates the similar pressure with FR100 .if 108 cfm is enough than i can use exclusive fans for both scrubber and the cooltube.if they are strong enough to cool the closet too than great,( i live in a very very hot region and in the mid summer the room temp goes higher than 85 by itself).thanks for your advice...


Yeah heat sucks, I live in a pretty hot place as well, just mentioned it on the thread I opened, 90F on average throughout summer...well that's the Negev for you.

BTW: you should consider turning the lights on at night in the flowering period, that way you might not need a cooltube.


good idea turning the lights at night but i will use the closed cooltube circuit any way. may i ll have to install aircondition to the room, besides the plants, i need it anyway..

"Yeah heat sucks, I live in a pretty hot place as well, just mentioned it on the thread I opened, 90F on average throughout summer"
so what does temp reach inside the closet and do the plants do ok with that temp?


Sorry but i can't help you on that area since I haven't tried it in here yet, but I have a friend who had some heat problems(~90F, or a bit less), and it just made the plants grow slower.

I think it's also strain dependent, so I can't give you a clear answer of what will happen in such heat.

Anyways I'll have an answer in the coming months, if its still relevant.


thaks man. worst case scenario i will have airconditioner installed like i said.
i have some questions about where to exhaust too but i think i should start a new topic for that.


what if i connect two 4 inch duct boosters(180m3/h 100cfm in metric) to the cooltube and td100(180m3/h 100 cfm in metric system) to a 200m3 scrubber. do you they will sufficient? especially the duct booster fans?


Well-Known Member
Tried it...I think everone does. One duct booster went back and one is on the floor. Save yourself the hassle and get an inline. My box is now 4 degrees over ambient and the best its ever going to get. When I ran 250w, I could keep the cool tube 4-5 in off the tops.
This is more of a question on the S&P TD100. Is this a inline fan or a booster? I guess what I'm getting at is, if I attached the scrubber to the end of the fan will this fan generate enough pressure to suck through the scrubber? Or even a DIY carbon filter.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Hey this isnt a comment concerning your fan or filter, but you should still know:

Do you already have the cooltube?

If you're lighting from the top, then consider buying a hood. Cooltubes are best used vertically, not horizontally. especially if they're like these ones:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1448&bih=758&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10937203304424787302&sa=X&ei=rOhmT8eaI5P8iQLj4-WhDw&ved=0CGgQ8gIwAA

They're gonna shoot light in 180 degrees from the bottom half of the bulb.. its not the best light throw for your plants, unless you run a scrog in a 'U' shape under it.
Just letting you know, if you're lighting horizontally, you might want to consider a hood.

Check out this chart:

If you can make it happen, get a hood. Cooltubes are best used if you take out the reflector and run them vertically.
Good luck