

Well-Known Member
I was wondering if i should have my fan on 24/7 and if i should have it pointing at the plants or sould i have if turning and should i be able to see the leaves blowing. thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
I leave my fan on 24/7 it isnt really going to hurt anything.
Keep it oscelating, it builds stronger plants in the end.
I wouldnt worry too much about seeing the leaves move, the main goal of the fan is to keep the air moving not to physically move your plants around.
Good Luck


Active Member
I run mine 15 min on , 15 min. off round the clock , mine osil. too .
I give my gear a break in hopes of it all lasting longer , and I osil. so it moves all the air in my room and it keeps the plants dancing too .

The Ghoul