Fans for stem strength

stem getting to thin??? dude.. no. A cannabis plant.. and its 'main stem'.. doesn't naturally get smaller or thinner. There would have to be something bad wrong with the plant.. in order for the main stem of the plant to actually start to thin or get smaller. It's just not natural.

The idea here people.. when growing indoors... the idea is to imitate nature. It's not rocket science everyone.. most of it.. is common sense.

I can see im going to have to start writing my grow guide for noobs.

Also, when you have a little sprout.. that's only a week or so old.. you never want to aim the fan(s) directly at the plant. This, would eventually cause the plant problems. You just want to see the plants move a little bit.. and as the plant mature's and gets stronger.. so does the main stem of that plant. It ages.. and gets bigger in time.. as the plant matures. But see, having fans blowing air around your plants.. helps ensure that the plant will have a nice robust and strong main stem.. for support.. for when you begin to flower your plant(s). Because once the buds start to get big.. and bigger and bigger.. your plant becomes more and more top-heavy.. and needs a nice healthy and robust main stem to support the heavy weight of the maturing buds.

Yeah, I'm def. going to have to get started on writing my grow guid for noobs.... be watching for it!

Hope this helped..

Omgggg...I totally need to'm so lost
I thought this forum was to talk and share opinions while hopefully helping someone not argue and make people other people want to leave and never come
I thought this forum was to talk and share opinions while hopefully helping someone not argue and make people other people want to leave and never come
I mean. It is. But your going on about a thread that's ancient so there is that.