Farewell RIU


Well-Known Member
well i have been around this site for a bit and will continue to use it as a reference. im done posting, seems too risky and i just dont have the time anymore with school and my new baby.




Active Member
Too risky? apparently you haven't tried Proxifier ;)

Well mate, I don't know you, but good luck with school and family and have a happy life!!!


Well-Known Member
After 2500 post's i would say any risk you may have taken would have reared it's ugly head by now ,
Now behave,
you had a parra trip,
Get over it,
chat ya tomoz ;)


Well-Known Member
Never herd of somone getting busted just from internet forums. People bragging and showing there alias yes but thats incredibly rare. Good luck matt


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... well.... good luck. Have fun and what not. Internet usage is about to become "unsafe" totally I don't wanna talk about it though...makes me feel heebie jeebied...


Active Member
Hmmm... well.... good luck. Have fun and what not. Internet usage is about to become "unsafe" totally I don't wanna talk about it though...makes me feel heebie jeebied...
Dishonourable laws create honour among thieves....We will prevail!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
My lawyer friends tell me that any danger of posting here, pics in particular, does not come from someone watching you here and learning that you grow weed so proceeding to track you down. It comes later, after they've busted you for something else stupid you did, and then they use your posts and your pics to strengthen the case against you. That's why I don't do journals and post a lot of pictures.


Well-Known Member
we'll miss you matt, you've been a good friend and good teacher! all the best

[video=youtube;C43snhZns_A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C43snhZns_A&feature=related[/video] just for the road