Farewell to all


Well-Known Member
I wanted to take the time to thank you all for some memorable moments here. This place will always feel welcoming. Just needed to say my goodbyes before the account was deactivated.

Peace, love, rock'n'roll

Your nieghbourhood buddy.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to take the time to thank you all for some memorable moments here. This place will always feel welcoming. Just needed to say my goodbyes before the account was deactivated.

Peace, love, rock'n'roll

Your nieghbourhood buddy.
What's the problem my friend?:sad:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this seems kind of out of the blue man! We were on rene's thread last night and everything seemed fine. What gives?:?


Well-Known Member
I'm in need to find myself, to figure out where I belong (physically). I haven't been able to figure out why I am here. To lend a sypathetic ear, or passing along what knowledge I know (seems very little lol). Standing up for what you believe in can hurt like a mo'fo.

Just keep your chin up guys, you too can achieve greatness.

Peace, love, rock'n'roll.



Weed Modifier
Look at his join date. He's been here a while, it looks like he just recently began posting again. :bigjoint:
:wall: wow?....my bad...:dunce:

still though he was posting and he seems like a very positive guy, from what i read, so what gives Buddy???


Well-Known Member
Doc'n'Rob have a point, but I also hate looking at all these beautiful specimens being grown and I am unable to do shit lol. Sent off a pm to Potroast to see how to cancel the deactivation. I want my family here know that I want to be around, just need my head to slow down....feelin pretty shitty at the moment.

If Potroast or whoever can help (for this situation with my account), I will be back:)


Well-Known Member
Doc'n'Rob have a point, but I also hate looking at all these beautiful specimens being grown and I am unable to do shit lol. Sent off a pm to Potroast to see how to cancel the deactivation. I want my family here know that I want to be around, just need my head to slow down....feelin pretty shitty at the moment.

If Potroast or whoever can help (for this situation with my account), I will be back:)
"This too shall pass." You may be feeling shitty at the moment but it won't always be this way. What is making you feel so shitty? Why are you not able to grow?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Like a top, my mind is spinning, my heart is aching, and having my actual "mother" have the balls to tell me "I already knew you were going to fail." and a "father" who only wants money from me. That has created one helluva whrilwind up there. Tried to buy some to medicate with, and as I posted in another thread. a chunk of drywall and a shitload of cat hair made me feel more worthless than I thought I could feel. Ignorance is everywhere man, it's only those who refuse to give up triumph over adversity:)

I'll always be rockin' on. Peace, love, rock'n'roll


**edit**...my account won't be deleted....I will return :)


Well-Known Member
Like a top, my mind is spinning, my heart is aching, and having my actual "mother" have the balls to tell me "I already knew you were going to fail." and a "father" who only wants money from me. That has created one helluva whrilwind up there. Tried to buy some to medicate with, and as I posted in another thread. a chunk of drywall and a shitload of cat hair made me feel more worthless than I thought I could feel. Ignorance is everywhere man, it's only those who refuse to give up triumph over adversity:)

I'll always be rockin' on. Peace, love, rock'n'roll


**edit**...my account won't be deleted....I will return :)
I'm a little confused. Did you buy some drywall and cat hair that you thought were weed? Pay no attention to your parents. That is a terrible thing to tell your child regardless if it's true. Tell your father to earn his own money or find some other way to get it. Don't let others control your emotions. You are the captain of your ship, not them.:blsmoke:


New Member
man slow the fuck down
send me a pm if u want to talk about this im here to listen and help
even if it is non weed related

Like a top, my mind is spinning, my heart is aching, and having my actual "mother" have the balls to tell me "I already knew you were going to fail." and a "father" who only wants money from me. That has created one helluva whrilwind up there. Tried to buy some to medicate with, and as I posted in another thread. a chunk of drywall and a shitload of cat hair made me feel more worthless than I thought I could feel. Ignorance is everywhere man, it's only those who refuse to give up triumph over adversity:)

I'll always be rockin' on. Peace, love, rock'n'roll


**edit**...my account won't be deleted....I will return :)


Well-Known Member
No Doc,

Don't think for one second smokin' drywall was somethin I was doin, it was the shittest 20 bag I have ever gotten (...and I've gotten a lot of garbage). He sold it to me as if I would never find out.

I'm the capt'n of my own ship, but I keep being knocked out by my crew (parents', relatives) lol Just tryin to not slip off the edge. Been holding on tightly for a while.