New Member
What do you think would happen if we all started farm markets timmahh? Do you think some of us will be arrested? Or will we all get away?
it may be madness, but he is the only one taking the initiative. -i'm not defending him, i'm just saying everyone here could do that same thing.. and its ok for blueberry to open a market in every major city as he is claiming to be working on? seems like a money thing to me 50 bucks a table adds up can one person think he can run the whole state? madness
What do you think would happen if we all started farm markets timmahh? Do you think some of us will be arrested? Or will we all get away?
I cant wait for someone in Law Enforcement to agree with you Timmahh, trust me I would like to see safe FM's all over the State.
If you ever see an article or hear of someone of "authority" actually agree with Joe Cains and your beliefs, please post it here.
"Where does someone get their marijuana? It must be provided by a caregiver who is growing for a single patient in one area. The safest route is for the marijuana card holder to grow it themselves in the allowed amounts."
Until our Attorney General or Supreme Court says Farmers Markets are legal, there "not".
Joe Cain and Timmahh can preach all they want.
...safest... lol this is true."Where does someone get their marijuana? It must be provided by a caregiver who is growing for a single patient in one area. The safest route is for the marijuana card holder to grow it themselves in the allowed amounts."
Until our Attorney General or Supreme Court says Farmers Markets are legal, there "not".
Joe Cain and Timmahh can preach all they want.
focusing on intent?This is a good link.
Basically, the problem with the law, is that it is so vague. All the pro cannabis people want to believe that the absence of clarity, means they can do whatever they want, unless it's specifically addressed in the law as written. They want to ignore the "intent" of the law and use the vague wording as as justification.
I guarantee that the 63% of voters, had no intent for there to be farmers markets, caregivers signing up max patients, and plant counts to grow pounds of "overages, or a dispensary model that had "medication stations"...
Do you honestly believe the law was voted in to create income opportunities? No, it was voted in because cannabis has legit medical value. The intent was to allow people to use cannabis as a legitimate medicine. The care giver portion was written in so patients that were unable to grow, could have someone grow for them, not take their plant count, give them an oz a month and profit from the rest.
Probably the most used qualifying condition is "PAIN" of one sort or another. How many places do you know of where patients can go and enjoy their prescription pain meds right at the pharmacy? Or sample different meds, to see which one they like "ya know that oxy was nice..but do you have something a little morphine like?" Or sell the extra pills they have as overages?
The reality is, that the majority of people squawking about the clarification process that is happening, are wanna be profiteers. The majority of true patients and cg's that I know are simply keeping their heads down, not pushing any limits, and are fine with what is happening.
your understanding on how the cannabis plants heals fails you...Probably the most used qualifying condition is "PAIN" of one sort or another. How many places do you know of where patients can go and enjoy their prescription pain meds right at the pharmacy? Or sample different meds, to see which one they like "ya know that oxy was nice..but do you have something a little morphine like?" Or sell the extra pills they have as overages?
ohhh love to twist words. I am saying that in the VAST majority of cases a plant count of 60 is not needed to take care of 5 people. And that the VAST majority of people using max plant counts, are in it for the MONEY, not to give care.Ohhhh Bob say it aint so. LOL. So now you are saying that it is wrong for caregivers to merely sign up and help their max amount of patients through the registry. WOW. You are definetely not who you say you are.
I think it should be totally legal like vegetables or wheat..I mean I can grow it so leave it alone...jeez...anyway....then they would be fine...but alas it is not the way of things yet...
your understanding on how the cannabis plants heals fails you...
if it werent for a community who could help me and others find newer strains to help with other ailments, then we'd be just calling it all "fire" and "mids" again.
the very fact that there are thousands of varieties makes the plant heal us in more ways. i recommend people look up the flavanoids and terpenes that they smell and then mix combinations to work for certain things.. take control of your health and stop treating your heath like big pharma wants you too!
your conventional thinking on medicine can't be applied to cannabis because it inst a petro-chemical derivative going to kill you.
FOOD is your number 1 medicine.
next would be the "vitamins" that are illegal... Cannabinoids. (make sure you eat hemp daily as well.. not just the medicine infused kind.
my mediciated apple cinnamon coffee cake is amazing... (recently a cranberry hemp version)
the apples are sauteed in a fresh honey, cinnamon, allspice, black pepper and a bit of nutmeg.
people always look at me weird when i say black pepper, but it along with its terpenes and such are amazing antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, analgesic and anti microbial! - mix all that will the power of the cannabis to do the same..and more! we are only making nutrition and health become and wellness.
so do you disagree with the idea of people... showing up at a safe place.. to.. eat a cake and have a cup of hot cocoa?
or is that pretty picture of healing to pretty for you?
To donate meds at the Jackson Market, and to comply with the false and illegal CoA opine denouncing Pt to Pt with remuneration as a sale, thus not within the allowed limits of the Act itself, you must be a Carded CG, and can only have the amount of meds/plants your card allotment allows. Thus, the CG is within Legal Limits at ALL Times when transferring with a Legal Registered Patient or Caregiver. Abide by the Limits allowed by your cards, and they are absolutely with in the defined limits of the 08 MMM Act.Well patient to patient transfer is legal but that doesnt mean you can SELL weed like at a farmers market, you can EXCHANGE it, meaning you can swap bud or giving it to someone. hope that helps
So you actually Believe the Attorney General Makes the Law of the land? you are mistaken. He UP HOLDS the laws Made by the State. That is his Job. Enforcement not Creation."Where does someone get their marijuana? It must be provided by a caregiver who is growing for a single patient in one area. The safest route is for the marijuana card holder to grow it themselves in the allowed amounts."
Until our Attorney General or Supreme Court says Farmers Markets are legal, there "not".
Joe Cain and Timmahh can preach all they want.