Fascism and the Republican Party


Well-Known Member
Seriously, if the democrats gain enough power,they need to hold hearings on foxnews and go over their content for the past decade, then jerk their license and require all TV, even on cable to have a license. The internet is not "spoon fed" broadcast media under a federal license and morons have more trouble finding the bullshit, they don't need an open sewer pipe emptying shit into in their livingroom. Proof of harm comes from covid, vaccines and J6, proof of more than just bias, but an illegal conspiracy to benefit republicans is obvious and voluminous.

What standard does Fox consider for evidence? This is how they describe it:

National Archives says it has 5,000 emails potentially linked to alleged Biden pseudonyms: Lawsuit

According to House Republicans investigating the Biden family, those are the pseudonyms then-Vice President Biden used to communicate with his son, Hunter Biden.

Potentially linked to alleged pseudonyms? On that basis, Jesse Waters at Fox says the House should open an investigation into impeaching Joe Biden.
Is there more? What evidence is there other than unsubstantiated claims that this is true? Are there any ardent Fox New listening Republicans who can add to this and help this liberal, one who is admittedly unwilling to spend time pursuing "evidence" that is potentially linked to alleged pseudonyms, understand why Joe Biden should be investigated?


Well-Known Member
What standard does Fox consider for evidence?
Obviously not the same standard that legitimate media uses, or we would hear more about it than from foxnews, rightwing media and Russian disinformation on twitter, that mirrors the magats. You can't tell the difference a lot of time on Twitter between a Russian bot and a magat, the talking points are identical. I mean Canadian media should be unbiased, UK too and they report what the legitimate media does in America about the nothing burger that is Hunter's saga. If it wasn't for foxnews, where would America be? They cemented in Reagan's changes and help to grid lock the government to prevent change. A sign that they recently lost faith in the GOP is the astroturf "No Labels" Manchin is pushing, its purpose is to grid lock government and put Manchin at the bottleneck, tax cuts for the rich is the agenda, it always is. Piss on ya and call it trickle down.


Well-Known Member

Coup evidence bomb goes off: Trump’s Jan. 5 Roger Stone outreach echoes amidst smoking gun tape

269,772 views Aug 30, 2023 #msnbc #rogerstone #trump
Donald Trump's indictments bring new heat on the coup's “team effort,” after new footage that first aired on “The Beat” showed Trump vet Roger Stone pushing the elector plot before all votes were in.


Well-Known Member

BREAKING: Proud Boy Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years in prison in Jan. 6 case

29,900 views Aug 31, 2023 #ProudBoys #JoeBiggs #January6
Proud Boy Joe Biggs has been sentenced to 17 years in federal prison after being convicted on seditious conspiracy charges for his involvement in the January 6 Capitol riot. NBC News' Ryan Reilly reports on the sentencing decision and other Proud Boys facing hearings in the coming days.


Ursus marijanus
Like Democrats have room to talk after stealing an Election and trying to run the country into the ground.

They have never followed the Constitution and Biden has always accused Trump on the same things he has done far worse.
Can you link (text journalism in the nonfascist press) to a single example?

- didn’t foment an insurrection
- didn’t abet Putin in his imperial designs
- didn’t interfere in elections
- didn’t give trillions in tax cuts to billionaires
- didn’t begin gutting Social Security
- didn’t put political sycophants in charge of DOJ in order to stop investigations into his crimes
- didn’t steal top-level national security intel or say it was his or show it off to unauthorized others
- didn’t gut EPA (or deny climate change)
- didn’t gut CDC, obstruct the response to the pandemic, or suggest people drink! bleach!

Now grade P01135809 on the same issues.
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Well-Known Member
Like Democrats have room to talk after stealing an Election and trying to run the country into the ground.

They have never followed the Constitution and Biden has always accused Trump on the same things he has done far worse.
Grand juries indict, judges hear cases if there are any to be made and juries decide guilt or innocence, the courts are an independent separate branch of government. What part of the constitution do you have a problem with? Trump won't even make it to the GOP primaries, the republicans will use the 14th early to keep him out of their primaries and they better hope it works for them, because it will disqualify him from the general election, but he should be in prison by then.

Are ya planning on watching Trump's TV trial in Georgia?
He might even be in custody by then and wearing orange coveralls for his trial while a black lady shits on him for weeks and republicans rat him out. Almost all the witnesses against him will be republicans and most worked for him.


Well-Known Member
News flash: Reporters are shocked and amazed when Trump managed to string enough words together to fill a paragraph and did not lie!

Fascism on full display:

Trump's unprecedented campaign pitch: Elect me to get revenge on the government
"He's declared war on them," one GOP pollster said.

Donald Trump has told supporters not to just see him as a candidate but as "your retribution."

In his comeback bid for the White House, the former president -- twice impeached but twice acquitted and now twice indicted -- has vowed that if reelected, he will wield his power to personally remake parts of the federal government to a degree that historian Mark Updegrove said was unprecedented. Trump has promised to hamstring perceived enemies, including in the Department of Justice, which is currently investigating him, and target Republican bogeymen like President Joe Biden.

He swore in June to appoint a special prosecutor to "go after" the Bidens and that he would "totally obliterate the deep state," referring to a conspiratorial view of how the government operates.

"This is the final battle. ... Either they win or we win," he said in March.



Well-Known Member
News flash: Reporters are shocked and amazed when Trump managed to string enough words together to fill a paragraph and did not lie!

Fascism on full display:

Trump's unprecedented campaign pitch: Elect me to get revenge on the government
"He's declared war on them," one GOP pollster said.

Donald Trump has told supporters not to just see him as a candidate but as "your retribution."

In his comeback bid for the White House, the former president -- twice impeached but twice acquitted and now twice indicted -- has vowed that if reelected, he will wield his power to personally remake parts of the federal government to a degree that historian Mark Updegrove said was unprecedented. Trump has promised to hamstring perceived enemies, including in the Department of Justice, which is currently investigating him, and target Republican bogeymen like President Joe Biden.

He swore in June to appoint a special prosecutor to "go after" the Bidens and that he would "totally obliterate the deep state," referring to a conspiratorial view of how the government operates.

"This is the final battle. ... Either they win or we win," he said in March.

If he can run in the primaries and wins the GOP nomination, I would love to hear his speech at the republican convention, but he will be in jail waiting to get sent to prison and I doubt they would let him out for it, maybe he can record a video message in orange coveralls? How would he deal with the 14th amendment disqualifying him from the general election? "No problem, just get rid of the constitution"!

The feds might put him away faster, but the TV trial in Georgia will be by far the most politically important and that will likely happen next summer maybe even during the convention or leading up to it. We will know first if Trump can run in the GOP primaries, when exactly is up in the air.

Trump and Biden are still tied in the most recent polling at 46% each.


Well-Known Member
Like Democrats have room to talk after stealing an Election and trying to run the country into the ground.

They have never followed the Constitution and Biden has always accused Trump on the same things he has done far worse.
You need new material. Comedy isn't pretty.
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Well-Known Member
News flash: Reporters are shocked and amazed when Trump managed to string enough words together to fill a paragraph and did not lie!

Fascism on full display:

Trump's unprecedented campaign pitch: Elect me to get revenge on the government
"He's declared war on them," one GOP pollster said.

Donald Trump has told supporters not to just see him as a candidate but as "your retribution."

In his comeback bid for the White House, the former president -- twice impeached but twice acquitted and now twice indicted -- has vowed that if reelected, he will wield his power to personally remake parts of the federal government to a degree that historian Mark Updegrove said was unprecedented. Trump has promised to hamstring perceived enemies, including in the Department of Justice, which is currently investigating him, and target Republican bogeymen like President Joe Biden.

He swore in June to appoint a special prosecutor to "go after" the Bidens and that he would "totally obliterate the deep state," referring to a conspiratorial view of how the government operates.

"This is the final battle. ... Either they win or we win," he said in March.

"I am your retribution."



Well-Known Member
"I am your retribution."

His convention speech would need to be vetted by the judge who sentenced him and recorded on video from his cell, any such threats would be a no no! :lol: Convicts can't publicly threaten people from inside prison, they are muzzled and forgotten, we never hear from them once they are sent away to a maximum-security facility and visiting days are once a week, or whenever. His speech could even violate his current terms of release FFS.


Well-Known Member
Has Trump promised to accept the results of the next free and fair election or as expected, will he once again claim it was rigged without any evidence?
Will he, just like Biden, present his tax returns to the voters?
Will he divulge his conflicts of interest with the Saudis and the Chinese?

So far his "platform" is 1) to give him more power, which he will share with the Christian right without saying how, 2) amp up the wall & immigration enforcement, and 3) get retribution. I heard he had a vision of Trump cities built all across America on Federal land, a conservative utopia. Since the rest of the field is pro-war on Mexico, he will probably try to top it or embellish the Mexican War with something involving Navy Seals and Space Force.

When McConnell was asked about the GOP platform he said whatever Trump says it is. If you go to the RNC website and click the "Learn More" button on the platform it goes to their Rules & Regulations" rather than any information about their platform. No healthcare, poverty, law and order, wealth inequality, education, homelessness, or housing affordability...their platform is simply to win. Beat the enemy, who are... immigrants, educators, the media, anyone a personal enemy of the malignant narcissist, and takeover. I guess in general terms he has a "platform" that says he will turn the USA, a dystopian nightmare, into a winner's paradise, with box seats for white nationalists.