Fast, but good yielding strain for flood and drain setup


Hey boys (and girls if any :p )

I am new to this site, been looking around for quite some time now and decided to register, since the only good danish forum apparently is closed for sign up :(

But on the other hand i think there is a lot more combined experience in here :)

Me and my girlfriend is moving into a house with a nice basement so i am planing to start growing again. Luckily i still got my old grow kit. 1,2x1,2x2 meter budbox, 600w cooltube and a big ass vent system and a home build ebb and flood system with room for 15 plants in a SOG.

My plan is to buy a dupe setup so i can harvest, realistic, every 4th week.

But i need a good strain that is as fast as posible, but still with good yields.

I have read about strains that can yield 500g+ pr square meter, with a flowering time of only 6 weeks, that would mean i could harvest a pound every 3 weeks or so, if i am fairly dialed in, with a 600w high lumen output? Is this possible?

My plan is to start flowering from clone, maybe with 7-10 days of vegging tops..

So is my plan completely unrealistic, or is it possible if all goes as it should?

And what strains can people recommend?

English i my second language so i hope i it all makes enough sense :)

Kind regards from Denmark


Well-Known Member
...and i want to fly:) don't aim for a quick harvest, but for a great harvest, big mistake is to harvest early


Active Member
and people in hell want ice water. lol i know time is money but more time vegging will help you yield in the end.


Well that is a matter of opinion i would say.. of course i dont want to harvest my plants before they are ready :)

The reason i ask is that electricity is pretty expensive in Denmark, due to taxes and what not, a 600w @ 12/12 costs almost 100$ a month, and thats calculated after 0.6 kw/h, actual use would probably be more..

I really dont see the problem in wanting to have a fast yielding plant?

Can someone answer specific to my questions? :)


Well-Known Member
are you saying that they charge you like 45 cents/kw? that's ripoff... anyway to have a plant so fast you have to look, never seen a 6week plant. actually, an 8 week strain usually requires 10weeks. can't you go with a smaller light if it's for personal use?


Yeah around 40 cents/kw.. we pay like 2 dollars for 1 liter of gas, cars have 180% VAT so a $50,000 car costs around $140,000, and income tax is around 50% :S

Well i could go smaller, and maybe i will in the dupe setup, but i prefer the 600's because its the most efficient when looking on the lumen/watt-ratio and i all ready have a 600w kit. Reason i want a dupe is so they can run "staggered" (dont know if its the correct word for it?), because of temperature issues in the winter, so that when one room is off it gets heat from the one that is on trough a recirculating air system, one room started 3-4 weeks after the other. I have a couple of friends who are in on it too so its not just for my self, but its not "commercial" either.

Efficiency is on of the top priorities here.

I dont know if i am allowed to post links, but Sensi Seeds claims that e.g Afghani #1 has a flowering time of 45 days? Is that just total BS then?

Anyways, if it takes 8 weeks for it to flower, we would still be harvesting a pound every 4 weeks.

So i would really like to know which strains has the shortest flowering time but still good yields..

You HAVE to be as efficient as possible living in Denmark


Well-Known Member
C99 is a fast maturing strain, a good yielder and a good smoke.
problem is, you cant put your hands on the original brother grims C99 but you can get some F2 from mosca seeds, joeys weed, Dutchgrown Seeds (sweetest C99).
G13 Pineapple Express can be a good choice as well.


jungobo thanks for your input, appreciate it :) Will definitely look into that Pineapple Express. Do you know how many days it takes to flower, in good conditions? Only info i find is "Flowering time: Medium"..

More suggestions is more than welcome :)
jungobo thanks for your input, appreciate it :) Will definitely look into that Pineapple Express. Do you know how many days it takes to flower, in good conditions? Only info i find is "Flowering time: Medium"..

More suggestions is more than welcome :)
hi copsin,
I had pretty much the same setup as yours last year,i was using dwc buckets though.Top 44 is amazing for sog set ups,i vegged clones under flourescents until roots came through then flipped them onto 12/12 under the 600 watt for just under 7 weeks.After drying for a week i got just over 1 ounce per plant .You may want to try white rhino by greenhouse seeds,another good sog strain,but not an early finisher.Good luck and remember dont get disheartened if you dont get 1 ounce per plant with sog,it takes time to get to know a certain strain and its growth patterns,and when you do you can manipulate it to suit your demands lst,super cropping etc.Peace and god speed with your grow.Daz


Well-Known Member
Yeah around 40 cents/kw.. we pay like 2 dollars for 1 liter of gas, cars have 180% VAT so a $50,000 car costs around $140,000, and income tax is around 50% :S
:shock:socialism at the works
Well i could go smaller, and maybe i will in the dupe setup, but i prefer the 600's because its the most efficient when looking on the lumen/watt-ratio and i all ready have a 600w kit. Reason i want a dupe is so they can run "staggered" (dont know if its the correct word for it?), because of temperature issues in the winter, so that when one room is off it gets heat from the one that is on trough a recirculating air system, one room started 3-4 weeks after the other. I have a couple of friends who are in on it too so its not just for my self, but its not "commercial" either.

Efficiency is on of the top priorities here.

I dont know if i am allowed to post links, but Sensi Seeds claims that e.g Afghani #1 has a flowering time of 45 days? Is that just total BS then?

Anyways, if it takes 8 weeks for it to flower, we would still be harvesting a pound every 4 weeks.

So i would really like to know which strains has the shortest flowering time but still good yields..

You HAVE to be as efficient as possible living in Denmark
still i think aiming for the fastest strain is not right, efficiency is also in aiming for the great stuff. i mean, some weed you won't be able to smoke it fast lol other strains you can smoke it all day, you'll run out fast. and to top it all, if you harvest early, you get weaker stuff so you have to wait till when it's right. i think you should aim for maximum efficiency grow-room, and great strain with good yields, so really you might consider going vertical with a 400 or even 250w, if done right, you'll get the highest gram/watt ratio. is it for personal just for yourself?


hi copsin,
I had pretty much the same setup as yours last year,i was using dwc buckets though.Top 44 is amazing for sog set ups,i vegged clones under flourescents until roots came through then flipped them onto 12/12 under the 600 watt for just under 7 weeks.After drying for a week i got just over 1 ounce per plant .You may want to try white rhino by greenhouse seeds,another good sog strain,but not an early finisher.Good luck and remember dont get disheartened if you dont get 1 ounce per plant with sog,it takes time to get to know a certain strain and its growth patterns,and when you do you can manipulate it to suit your demands lst,super cropping etc.Peace and god speed with your grow.Daz
Sounds really good, something like that i was going for :) How many plants did you have? 15 also? Do u have any pictures? Sounds like a nice setup with pretty good yields :D

:shock:socialism at the works

still i think aiming for the fastest strain is not right, efficiency is also in aiming for the great stuff. i mean, some weed you won't be able to smoke it fast lol other strains you can smoke it all day, you'll run out fast. and to top it all, if you harvest early, you get weaker stuff so you have to wait till when it's right. i think you should aim for maximum efficiency grow-room, and great strain with good yields, so really you might consider going vertical with a 400 or even 250w, if done right, you'll get the highest gram/watt ratio. is it for personal just for yourself?
Haha yeah, we also have a pretty decent system here, free education, free health care and so on, except the overall economy isn't that good, but i guess you have heard about it :D

But back on topic :)

I am not JUST going for the fastest, i want a good strain with good yields, but as fast as possible.. im mostly an indica type of guy (what ever that is lol), so not much point for me in growing 12 weeks+ sativas :) But of course, i dont want to harvest anything that isn't mature enough :)

I have thought of growing vertical, i am also considering a bigger tent, XXL, and getting a light mover.. actually i talked to my buddy earlier, and we thought it could be pretty nice to buy the XXL tent with a light mover and compere it to the XL without light mover. But for now i am sticking with the XL, 600w and ebb and flood.

As for vertical, can you point me in a direction as for setup plans ect.. i dont know to much about it

And no, i got a couple of buddies in on it to :)