Fast question about nut. :)


Today while i was at supermarket i went to gadren section where i have found some flower booster.
According to that what producer says, it's 100% organic for balcony flowers, so it's sth i like :)
NPK is 9-50-12 so it has a lot of P. For now i was usein' some PK 13/13 boosters in last 4 weeks of flo, so am not
sure at all how this one would go, do u think its worth to try or too risky? It's preety cheap so i will not regred 3$ spent on it xD
For now i got 2 Grapefruits from Female seeds, vegging from 2 weeks, so it's time to think, about replacement for guano (9-9-9)
that i use atm. xD Thanks for any advices
Big up!


it's not kill but Your girl maybe can get shock, in my experience I grow using 16:16:16 and 20:20:20.
You can try the first in small doses and wait what happening after 2-3 day's,if she stay more green then all okey <You can put little bit more.