Faster flowering


Well-Known Member
Will a plant that was vegged longer typically flower faster?

I have a girl that was overvegged and the minute I flipped to flower, she seems to be budding much more aggressively. Not just the amount but the buds look more mature on the longer vegged plant


Well-Known Member
Will a plant that was vegged longer typically flower faster?

I have a girl that was overvegged and the minute I flipped to flower, she seems to be budding much more aggressively. Not just the amount but the buds look more mature on the longer vegged plant
Not really. If the plant is fully mature it will start flowering right away. If you try flowering a less mature plant, than yes it will take it longer to switch to flowering mode. Also if they aren't happy and healthy they can take longer. Maybe you're just getting better at growing.


Well-Known Member
I would say a plant vegged longer would be more mature than one vegged shorter and therefore, yes, I would expect the more mature plant to flower faster vs. the more immature plant. I would say what you're experiencing is normal. Good luck.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Id say it be more reactive to the flip so yeah maybe with longer veg it will probably show a day or two faster at least i think