Faster growth fox farm ocean forest vs hydroponics?


Well-Known Member
I know hydro has a faster growth rate conpared to soil but i heard soil like foxfarm that has beneficial bateria and living organisms working with the soil can give you explosive growth with that said who wins? In the vegg stage
Yeah I've learned the hard way about trying to do too much too fast aka going strait for hydro first.... its costly thats for sure

Richard Smith

Active Member
a friend of mine is a medical grower in oregon and he uses fox farm dirt with his pro set up waters by hand and
hes harvested plants a few grams short of a pound.


Well-Known Member
so does beneficial microbes in soil help soil grown plants compete with hydro? i dont plan on going hydro anytime soon but i would like to try to replicate its growth as best as i can without going soiless mix


I would go Happy frog, OF sucks in my opinion its too hot and the moisture retention is non existent.Not saying that it won't or doesn't work just as a new grower I would go with happy frog or Sunshine #4.


Well-Known Member
i plan on using the soulable 1 oz for 5.95 it contains alot of them beneficial organisms, use them along with my current soil grow.
Good stuff, I've been using it for years in my garden and container plants, long before I started growing MJ again. They've been in business for over 25 years.

You also might want to check out for more organic goodies. Outstanding products and since they are geared toward organic gardeners and farmers, no ripoff prices like the MJ oriented company's.

Stop with the comparing hydro to soil thing, they are 2 totally different approaches to the same end and trying to compare them is senseless.

KoQ, the MycoGrow is not an 'additive' in the sense you are implying, but is a soil inoculate for Mycorrhizae and beneficial bacteria. I have no use for the 'snake oils' either. Just a rip off for inexperienced growers.



Well-Known Member
Yea, you got some good info from everyone.
I just went from indoor hydro to soil and I gotta tell you its not how fast you can veg, its what you end up with in the end. I've had about a dozen hydro grows before going to soil. I found you can increase the rate of which the plant grows in veg by frequency of watering and feeding. Drown them, let them dry real good then feed them. Riddleme's got some good threads on here with documentation. In my backyard greenhouse I grew monsters last year with FF mix in smart pots. Largest plant yielded 2.7 pounds. Yea, soil works man.