fastest way to sex plants?


Well-Known Member
Ty Cobb was the real deal American Hero........
Greatest... Ballplayer... Ever.

Although he was as mean as a rattlesnake and as crazy as shit-house rat.

He slept with a loaded revolver under his pillow.

One year a player from another team edged him out for the batting title and Cobb's teammates sent flowers to the other player.


Well-Known Member
wtf im not impatient my plants are crowded and arnt getting enuff light cos if it and there bottom leaves are falling off. thanks cowboy ill check them into the dark for 2 days then return to 12/12.

i wanted them to be huge plants but i dont have to time to keep them all on veg cos of the space issue.
there is a method called shocking which means you cut off light source for 24-48 hrs. straight which interns shocks the plant to force it to show. if you don't want to shock the whole plant you can use a black bag of some sort and cover 1 branch of each plant for the same amount of time. make sure the bag does not allow light to pertrude through the bag double it if you have to. you will have to somewhat seal the bottom of the bag. hope this helps good luck