Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

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Well-Known Member
Three Fat Purple girls finally moved to flower a few days ago. Thank to all the RIU members for all the goodies lately. Note to self, wait to start new beans, clusterfuck in the veg room already! It seems I'm hooked on popping beans and need more space! Oh well, the worst is over, can almost find room to work in there again, prolly gonna start some new beans soon. HA
lol at too many in there. funny how it seems like a good idea at the time, until that one day you go in there and realize what you've done. I had to kill 15 females a couple of weeks ago, and have more that might need to go too. oops!


Well-Known Member
I won't kill any. I wouldn't start a seed I don't plan on finishing. But, I have had a few get real stretchy. Just clone it and start over, oops. I dream of a setup just for testing!


Well-Known Member
Just popped 2 seeds 1 is up waiting on the second. Hope the female gods are on my side. Thanks again


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Hazeman Seeds ~ Fat Purple Day 47

Wow did I cause me some yield. I wasn't paying close attention
and started flushing her thinking she was coming down Wednesday,
not next Wednesday!:shock:. Not sure how the hell I made that mistake:confused:.
I will feed it today and then continue flushing it. I have a clone of this so
I won't freak out about it. lol. Im sure it cost me a few grams though.

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Well-Known Member
Pulled 2.75 oz off my PM, there's still about 1/2 on the plant that I left to go a little longer.. Very good smoke! Took some over to my old school smoking buddy.. Lol he took too big of a bowl hit and almost hit the floor lol. Excellent flavor and effects.


Well-Known Member
purpleMarty60.jpg This Purple Marty spent 4 weeks under CFL's in bloom. Then spent about 3 weeks sitting outside veg room gleaming light off that. A little over 3 weeks ago I put it back in bloom under HID lighting. I snapped the main stem tying it down when I stuck it back in. No hermie! Wonder if I get any stress seeds? Probably not - I'm not going to wait that long to cut it. A few more days for this one. I saved a clone of it I'm revegging to grow it out proper. I cut a couple lower branches the other day so I will have smoke report soon. Hard to believe after all it went through this plant might just be worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
Updated pics of my fp purple pheno! Its only on her 4th week and notice the trich production! 1st time experimenting with the cmh bulbs. Its now under a 600w hps for the rest of flower.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I am going to do a side by side comparison of regular seeds and Fat Purple seeds. I got a bunch so far, there the size of tic-tacs! lol


Well-Known Member
wow you guys, looking awsome. I started flowering 3 days ago, and I can't wait to see whats coming my way!

Stumpy, I want to smoke that so bad! Save a joint and come icefishing with me...please!


Well-Known Member
Just came home, long night, need to relax. I twisted about 1/16 of a gram of PM into a little pinner, well, a pinner now-days it was actually a 1992 joint on a real dry month. :eyesmoke: lol.

This was a 3 day dry and about 5 days in the jar bud and it's perfect, not too dry and it's nice and sticky.. I lit it up and blew out the first lighting hit, then took a nice hit of that and in like 3 seconds my lungs damn near about exploded. Holy moly..

Bliss, we better get some ice soon cause this isn't going to last long. Soo tasty, I have't decided on what the taste is yet but it's great... I was thinking a lemon/cedar/pine flavor.. but after a few weeks in a jar it might change.. I like it right how it is though.

J/K man, I'll save one.. :P Where we going fishing? Somewhere in between? Portage maybe? I heard about pike in there... Never fished it but I've wanted to for years.. I just get caught up at my lake here..
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