Just to point out - Im not talking about this father...i could care less..he was dumb...I mean in MY house, with MY child...am I hurting them by allowing it in my house, the reason i want to do this is to teach responsibility...that you can enjoy marijuana without smoking it ALL day EVERY day...its clear as day, pretending weed doesnt exist isnt going to teach my child anything...
I see it like pocket money...giving a small amount of money, along with a small amount of responsibility at a younger age (16+ for weed is MY opinion, but adjust for your own family) will teach that child that if they spend it all on day 1 they ave nothing for the rest of the week...this helps them manage money later in life...
So then i believe allowing, never offering..NEVER will i ask my child to join me...I just mean if my child came to me and said hey dad would you like to have a cone or 2..I would...it would offer a fantastic opportunity for open discussion and bonding.
Ya, so allowing your child to smoke a few cones, in the safety and privacy of the agreed upon area of the house...then they go have a nap in the living room or veg out and watch some tv...as long as you dont allow this to become an every day thing i think its a fantastic learning tool. You can smoke weed on the weekends, and still live a normal active life the rest of the week...
For everyones info:
My mother smoked heavily while pregnant with me..I have no disorders and while I dont like to brag, I consider myself quite intelligent. My mother never hid smoking weed from me while i grew up but always blew smoke away from me, and answered any question i had honestly...
I didnt even try weed the first time till i was 22. Im 24 now.
But i knew inside, (my mum passed a few yrs before i tried it) that if i ever asked (after i was about 15) she would have loaded me one, and helped me smoke it...this knowledge ALONE is why i never tried weed..I had no interest in coughing my guts up end looking like a noob in front of the cool kids when i could do it at home...I often asked mum what she felt...to describe how she felt stoned...her answers were honest and were enough to kill my curiosity.
I ended up trying it because one of my non smoking friends was too pussy to do it by himself and he begged me...I saw it as no real biggie...I had nothing against it I just didnt care to do it...
He lost control real fast. He was brought up in a home where weed was enough to get you kicked out..his parents would call the cops on him...He buys an oz a week now...and he smoked his first cone about 30 seconds before me. He was like a pitbull, once he had his teeth in it there was no stopping him...myself...I admit i smoke regularly now..but with respect...not with abandonment...when i see him i picture y mum saying "dont go crazy with it and let it control your life" and stuff like that...this is the guidance he needed..he had no idea he had to keep an eye on it and now he just doesnt want to slow down.
so ya - this guy was just getting baked with his kid...Im not trying to say i am doing it for spiritual reasons...im not gonna get him stoned then drone on about rules and crap (although it would make him not want to get stoned lol)..but i will use the time to get closer and teach a little..then have some father and son fun! play some ball or watch a movie!
Just wanted you all to know i was asking for my own info, not to get you to say he did the right thing! He wasnt careful and he paid the price..it fucking sucks but its how it is now
