Father arrested for DUI drugs, endangerment

It will be awhile before they have enough research done to make a legit dui law for marijuana. It causes different people different reactions. Imo you should only get a dui if you get pulled over for wreckless driving and then they give u a blood test not expired tags then you have a pipe. Most people who smoke on a regular basis mj dont affect their driving skills but someone who only smokes once a month prob shouldnt be driving.
paranoia is cuz your brain chemistry, I am adhd and everyonce in a while when i pick up weed(well it hasnt happened for a few years since i been smoking hourly for they past year), i will get PARANOID 1 time mighta been the situation but more when you think that your pet cat is an alien thats trying to take over the world when u just chillin at home. its the fucking weed.

its lame as fuck but will 90% work. (10% wont work if u are getting arrested and have something super illegal in your car)
anyways if you aren't already going to jail. like the80% of time being pulled over for tags right? or speeding?(sometimes u can go to jail n not get a paraphinalia charge or some bull)
(that you are gettin the smaller charge) act like u never do anything dont handle the police, especially if u actually got some real shit ( i had alot of stuff in the car once or twice. literally whipped out a pipe in front of a cop)
what is weed?
that shit. that shutting up is real cool but you are practically admitting guilt( NO ONE SAYS THAT UNLESS THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL, but if you do when you aren't PROPS! that would be hella entertaining(trolling cops))
anyways pretend that a speeding ticket is the worst thing you have ever done in your entire life and you are usually set

and i agree with everything fatboy said

"The man largely passed his field sobriety tests and the officer called his supervisor for the proper course of action."

"Charges are pending the results of the blood test."

I bet this man will walk....

Metabolite my friend I have a card an the only thing they got me with was the blood test. Hadn't vaped for a couple days!
Can't you execute the Breathalyzer if you choose - i don't believe they can force you to also give blood on top of a passed breathalyzer test? Let me know if i am missing something here.
Can't you execute the Breathalyzer if you choose - i don't believe they can force you to also give blood on top of a passed breathalyzer test? Let me know if i am missing something here.

Yeah I think if you deny the breathalyzer they just put you under arrest right away and your license becomes automatically suspended for a certain period of time. A lawyer will always tell you to not agree to the breathalyzer if you really have been drinking.
I Know puffing and cruising is dumb, but its so much fun...LOL

There's a stretch of highway in Portland that makes a 90 degree turn about 10 stories up right before the river...at night it seemed to be so dark it was eerie like I imagine space... what a fun ghost ride! we used to do a circuit where we would make that turn a few times during a session. I have so much love for the kid that didn't smoke and would let us idiots while he drove
"I don't know what you just said little kid, but you special. You my boy"
paranoia is cuz your brain chemistry, I am adhd and everyonce in a while when i pick up weed(well it hasnt happened for a few years since i been smoking hourly for they past year), i will get PARANOID 1 time mighta been the situation but more when you think that your pet cat is an alien thats trying to take over the world when u just chillin at home. its the fucking weed.

its lame as fuck but will 90% work. (10% wont work if u are getting arrested and have something super illegal in your car)
anyways if you aren't already going to jail. like the80% of time being pulled over for tags right? or speeding?(sometimes u can go to jail n not get a paraphinalia charge or some bull)
(that you are gettin the smaller charge) act like u never do anything dont handle the police, especially if u actually got some real shit ( i had alot of stuff in the car once or twice. literally whipped out a pipe in front of a cop)
what is weed?
that shit. that shutting up is real cool but you are practically admitting guilt( NO ONE SAYS THAT UNLESS THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL, but if you do when you aren't PROPS! that would be hella entertaining(trolling cops))
anyways pretend that a speeding ticket is the worst thing you have ever done in your entire life and you are usually set

and i agree with everything fatboy said
Pretty cool video about driving stoned..

Wish I could have done that, heavy user my ass that girl was stoops! I smoke at least a 1.5 and hash before driving and can drive fine on Ice snow roads....I hope they don't base limits upon dummy's like them... Old dude was cool.
Pretty cool video about driving stoned..


.3/10ths of a gram and you're 5 times over the limit? i'd be pretty buzzed after .3/10ths and wouldn't drive, but it's basically saying have no pot in your system period unlike those who can drink a couple beers and be fine. i'm thinking 1/10th of a gram, which is what i dust off the album cover when i'm done rolling a joint, will put you over the limit. i'm hiding my pot card deep in the stack in case i get pulled over. fuck that noise.

i don't drive high, but a couple hours after getting high, i'll drive if i have too. i'm wondering if test would still bust me after a couple of hours. i'll have to read up on it when i'm less high than now. :)
I'm going to drop some scary info on you... this could get long, but I think it's real info that needs to be shared. We'll focus on Addy from the video since she gives us the closest representation to a regular smoker, which I'm sure we all are in the very least. bongsmilie

Facts from video:
1. Location is Thurston County, WA and the strain smoked by participants was Blueberry Trainwreck (side note: sounds awesome).
2. Addy had smoked prior to showing up and was tested with 16 ng (nano grams) of THC in her system and this was 3 times the legal limit, which is reportedly 5 ng in WA.
3. After smoking 3/10ths of a gram, Addy tested at 36.7 ng of THC in her system, which is 7 times the legal limit (not taking into consideration how much she had consumed prior to arriving).
4. She then smoked until a total of 9/10ths had been consumed at the course, again not taking into consideration how much she had consumed prior to arriving, and took test drive #2 but no test data in regards to ng of THC in Addy's system was further reported in the video... would be great to know.
5. In the end, they allowed Addy to consume a total of 1.4 grams at the course, again not taking into consideration how much she had consumed prior to arriving, and test drive for a third time.
6. Cop said he would have definitely pulled her over and cited her for DUI after her third test drive, when she had at least 1.4 grams of marijuana in her system; he indicated she was borderline after her second test drive when she had smoked 9/10 of a gram.

My opinions on the video:
1. The cop is an exaggerating dick for this quote after Addy backed over a 2' tall cone during her third test drive, "...which would've been indicative of her backing into a pole or, maybe a citizen on the sidewalk...". It's a fucking fake driving environment made up of cones! People are usually pretty aware of where poles, sidewalks, and people are in real life driving situations.
2. My thoughts on Addy's total amount of consumed cannabis by the end of the making of this video is an estimated 1.8 grams (roughly half of an eighth); 1.4 grams of smoked Blueberry Trainwreck plus a bowl or two at home.
3. This is a start and more of this needs to happen. I believe research on and statistical analysis of the effects of cannabis consumption on driving would prove that it takes massive amounts to truly affect one's ability to drive in a way that is detrimental to themselves and the general public.

I'm curious what limit I'm at all day.. Fuuuccckkk! Probably break the meter.. Lol they would never let me drive!

.3/10ths of a gram and you're 5 times over the limit? i'd be pretty buzzed after .3/10ths and wouldn't drive, but it's basically saying have no pot in your system period unlike those who can drink a couple beers and be fine. i'm thinking 1/10th of a gram, which is what i dust off the album cover when i'm done rolling a joint, will put you over the limit. i'm hiding my pot card deep in the stack in case i get pulled over. fuck that noise.

i don't drive high, but a couple hours after getting high, i'll drive if i have too. i'm wondering if test would still bust me after a couple of hours. i'll have to read up on it when i'm less high than now. :)

I'm going to try to give you guys and gals some indication of where you might fall in the amount of THC in your system based on the numbers tested in my system and my general smoking patterns.

Hi, my name is Greywind, and I'm an alcoholic. Haha, I'm kidding... I think, I hope... a whole different conversation for a different forum, lol! But I did get a DUI in Gilbert, AZ last year for driving with a BAC of 0.18. I am also a medical marijuana patient. Part of my punishment for breaking the law is mandated participation in a weekly drug and alcohol group session. This program includes drug tests where urine is collected and sent to Redwood Toxicology Laboratory. No harm has befallen me because of my dirty tests due to my green card. ;-)

Before I get into my numbers, I’ll give you guys some details on how I medicate. I smoke bud and dry ice kief I made from my first couple of harvests. My preferred piece is a simple Blue Dot bong. I’ve never had BHO or other concentrates like budder, shatter, honeycomb wax, earwax… none of that good stuff. Most of the bud, maybe 80% of what I’ve smoked in the last year I grew myself (newbie) and we’ll call this mid grade I picked up the other 20% from patient growers and we’ll call this top shelf. I attend college a few hours a week and do not work, so I am home smoking for most of the day, every day, from wake and bake to good night, sleep tight bowl.

I've never kept track of my consumption levels, but I have a great measuring guide for this last week as I’m poor and trying to be conservative. I picked up 7 grams last Saturday in the morning and I made it last a week. I saved the last for wake and bake yesterday and am now smoking on my girl’s stash. Most of these bowls had kief icing and many times I smoked on kief alone. So a gram a day of bud and some kief too is a daily intake amount for me on a budget. And I was sufficiently medicated throughout the day.

Now the tests and numbers. I am given a copy of the lab results after each test. This lab uses EIA (enzyme-immunoassay) for the screening and RIA (radio-immunoassay) for confirmation. It indicates that 50 ng/mL of THC is the cutoff, and I’m assuming this is between clean and dirty. The video above says Washington’s legal driving limit is 5 ng, but does not say what it is 5 ng per… Anyway, I’ve tested four times now and the results are summarized like this:

1. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (927 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 598 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes
2. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (910 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 439 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes
3. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (811 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 589 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes
4. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (685 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 603 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes

I do smoke one bowl about 2 hours before this drug test is usually given to me. Crazy how high those numbers are huh? Where do you think your numbers are? How quickly is one ng of THC metabolized from our bodies? It has to be dependent on the individuals BMI and other factors I'm sure. How many nano grams of THC has to be detected in your blood before the state of AZ can charge your ass with a DUI? Be careful out there fellow cannabis lovers.
Facts from video:

Now the tests and numbers. I am given a copy of the lab results after each test. This lab uses EIA (enzyme-immunoassay) for the screening and RIA (radio-immunoassay) for confirmation. It indicates that 50 ng/mL of THC is the cutoff, and I’m assuming this is between clean and dirty. The video above says Washington’s legal driving limit is 5 ng, but does not say what it is 5 ng per… Anyway, I’ve tested four times now and the results are summarized like this:

1. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (927 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 598 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes
2. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (910 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 439 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes
3. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (811 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 589 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes
4. THC (Marijuana) detected by RIA (685 ng/mL)
THC/Creatinine Ratio (RIA): 603 ng THC/mg Creat
Normalized THC value for comparison purposes

I do smoke one bowl about 2 hours before this drug test is usually given to me. Crazy how high those numbers are huh? Where do you think your numbers are? How quickly is one ng of THC metabolized from our bodies? It has to be dependent on the individuals BMI and other factors I'm sure. How many nano grams of THC has to be detected in your blood before the state of AZ can charge your ass with a DUI? Be careful out there fellow cannabis lovers.

thanks for the information.
those numbers ares crazy. 1 gram a day and you're way over the legal limit. the question is, what is it 2 or 3 hours after smoking.

they get us coming and going these politicians and their beerocratic stooges.

i smoke from 2.5 to 3 grams a day. i've done so for over 5 years. i'm thinking my numbers would be a bit high. :)
i will endeavor to never have to find out.
^and they say that continuous use, makes it waaay more difficult to get out of your body. if you smoke daily it can take 45-90days for it to get out of your system. the only way you wont get a DUI under tis BS is if you only smoke a gram a week or some bs and all in 1 day. Remember that thc sticks to your fat cells too. Its complete nonsense that they use blood test for MMJ based on its properties.
I smoke bout half as much as you OGOF and I am sure itd be nearly 120 days of being clean to get it out of my system.